PK battles
Before you begin, make sure you complete the following:
Follow the integration steps by referring to the Quick start with co-hosting.
Please contact technical support to activate the Stream Mixing service.
What’s PK battles?
PK battle is a friendly competition between two live streams where audiences can see the engaged interactions between both hosts.
Quick start
Hosts can send a PK battle request to the host they want to connect with after they started their own live streams. And both live streams will be connected upon the PK battle request being accepted.
Start the PK battle
To start a PK battle, you will need to call the ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.sendPKBattleRequest(anotherHostUserID);
method to send a PK battle request first. Once the host accepts your request, the PK battle starts.
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.sendPKBattleRequest(anotherHostUserID: userID, callback: { errorCode, requestID in
if errorCode != 0 {
sender.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
Stop the PK battle
To stop the PK battle, call the ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.stopPKBattle()
Listen to PK battle Events
To listen to PK battle events,call the ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.addLiveManagerDelegate(...)
method.In general, when you receive a PK request, you can display a pop-up window for the user to choose whether to accept or reject.if accept,call ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.acceptIncomingPKBattleRequest()
,if reject, call ZegoLiveStreamingManager.getInstance().rejectPKBattleStartRequest()
,You can also customize your own business logic to handle the corresponding PK event.
func onIncomingPKRequestReceived(requestID: String, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser, anotherHostLiveID: String, customData: String?) {
let alterView = UIAlertController(title: "receive pk request", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert)
self.pkAlterView = alterView
let acceptButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "accept", style: .default) { [weak self] action in
self?.liveStreamingVC?.liveManager.acceptIncomingPKBattleRequest(requestID, anotherHostLiveID: anotherHostLiveID, anotherHostUser: anotherHostUser)
let rejectButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "reject", style: .cancel) { [weak self] action in
liveStreamingVC?.present(alterView, animated: true)
Demo source code
For a detailed demo source code, click here.
To customize your own PK battle logic and process as needed, the ZegoLiveStreamingManager
contains a bunch of methods for you to do further customizations. Before you make your customization, check the method intro part first.
Method intro
Send a PK battle request
public func sendPKBattleRequest(anotherHostUserID: String, timeout: UInt32 = 10, customData: String, callback: UserRequestCallback?)
: to send a PK battle request, you will need to specify the user ID of the host you want to connect with. Remember the host you invite must has started a live stream, otherwise, an error will return via the method you called. For the error info and cause, check it in thecallback
. -
: this can be used to set the timeout duration of the PK battle request you sent. After it timed out, the host who sent the request will receive a callback notification via theonOutgoingPKRequestTimeout
. -
: this can be used to customize the info that you want the host you invited to receive, and the invited host will receive the info you set viaonIncomingPKRequestReceived
Sample code:
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.sendPKBattleRequest(anotherHostUserID: userID, callback: { errorCode, requestID in
if errorCode != 0 {
sender.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
Cancel the PK battle request
public func cancelPKBattleRequest(customData: String?, callback: UserRequestCallback?)
The PK battle request can be canceled by calling this method when the request is not timed out and the request didn't get any responses. After it has been canceled, the invited host will receive a callback notification via the onIncomingPKRequestCancelled
Sample code:
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.cancelPKBattleRequest(customData: nil) { errorCode, requestID in
sender.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
Respond to the PK battle request
To receive a PK battle request, you can listen to and set up the onIncomingPKRequestReceived
Accept the PK battle request
To accept the PK battle request, call the acceptIncomingPKBattleRequest
method. And the peer host will receive notification via the onOutgoingPKRequestAccepted
, more details can be checked in PK request is accepted.
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.acceptIncomingPKBattleRequest(requestID, anotherHostLiveID: anotherHostLiveID, anotherHostUser: anotherHostUser)
Reject the PK battle request
To reject the PK battle request, call the rejectPKBattleStartRequest
method. And the peer host will receive notification via the onOutgoingPKRequestRejected
, and can tell why the request was rejected through the rejectCode
More details can be checked in PK request is rejected.
Sample code for responding to the PK request
func onIncomingPKRequestReceived(requestID: String, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser, anotherHostLiveID: String, customData: String?) {
let alterView = UIAlertController(title: "receive pk request", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert)
self.pkAlterView = alterView
let acceptButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "accept", style: .default) { [weak self] action in
self?.liveStreamingVC?.liveManager.acceptIncomingPKBattleRequest(requestID, anotherHostLiveID: anotherHostLiveID, anotherHostUser: anotherHostUser)
let rejectButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "reject", style: .cancel) { [weak self] action in
liveStreamingVC?.present(alterView, animated: true)
Listen to the sent PK battle request
PK battle request is accepted
When the sent PK battle request is accepted, you can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the onOutgoingPKRequestAccepted
func onOutgoingPKRequestAccepted() {
PK battle request is rejected
When the sent PK battle request is rejected, You can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the onOutgoingPKRequestRejected
The PK battle request will be rejected automatically when the invited host is in a busy state. Busy state: the host has not initiated his live stream yet, the host is in a PK battle with others, the host is being invited, and the host is sending a PK battle request to others.
func onOutgoingPKRequestRejected(reason: Int, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser) {
if reason == ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleRejectCode.host_reject.rawValue {
uikitLiveVC?.view.makeToast("another host busy",position: .center)
} else {
uikitLiveVC?.view.makeToast("pk is rejected",position: .center)
pkButton?.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
Among which, the ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleRejectCode
can use to declare why the invited host rejected your request, the definition is as follows:
@objc public enum ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleRejectCode: Int {
case host_reject
case use_not_host
case in_pk
case live_not_started
case already_send
case already_received
PK battle request is time out
If the invited host didn't respond after the timeout duration, the PK battle request timed out by default. While the Live Streaming Kit updates the internal state while won't trigger any default behaviors.
You can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the ZegoLiveStreamingListener.onOutgoingPKBattleRequestTimeout
Sample code:
func onOutgoingPKRequestTimeout(requestID: String, anotherHost: ZegoUIKitUser) {
pkButton?.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
uikitLiveVC?.view.makeToast("send pk timeout", position: .center)
PK battle request failed to be sent
In some cases, PK battle requests can't be sent successfully, for example, the host's app is not started.
And the sendPKBattleRequest
returns an error when the PK battle request failed to be sent, you can tell and handle these errors by the value returned by the sendPKBattleRequest
Sample code:
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.sendPKBattleRequest(anotherHostUserID: userID, callback: { errorCode, requestID in
if errorCode != 0 {
self?.uikitLiveVC?.view.makeToast("send pkBattle fail:\(errorCode)",duration: 1.0, position: .center)
//...update UI
sender.setTitle("PK", for: .normal)
Listen to received PK battle request
Receives a PK battle request
When receiving a PK battle request, You can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the onIncomingPKRequestReceived
Sample code:
func onIncomingPKRequestReceived(requestID: String, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser, anotherHostLiveID: String, customData: String?) {
let alterView = UIAlertController(title: "receive pk request", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert)
self.pkAlterView = alterView
let acceptButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "accept", style: .default) { [weak self] action in
let rejectButton: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "reject", style: .cancel) { [weak self] action in
liveStreamingVC?.present(alterView, animated: true)
Received PK battle request has been canceled
You can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the onIncomingPKBattleRequestCancelled
when the PK battle request has been canceled.
func onIncomingPKRequestCancelled(anotherHostLiveID: String, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser, customData: String?) {
self.pkAlterView?.dismiss(animated: true)
Received PK battle request is timed out
You can receive callback notifications or customize your business logic by listening to or setting up the onIncomingPKRequestTimeout
when the received PK battle request has timed out.
Sample code:
func onIncomingPKRequestTimeout(requestID: String, anotherHostUser: ZegoUIKitUser) {
self.pkAlterView?.dismiss(animated: true)
Mute the peer host during the PK battle
When a PK battle starts, both hosts can mute the connected host during the battle as needed. And after the peer host has been muted, the audience can't hear the voice from the muted livestream.
public func muteAnotherHostAudio(_ mute: Bool, callback: ZegoUIKitCallBack?)
And you can also get the mute state of the peer host via the ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.isAnotherHostMuted
Sample code:
@objc func muteButtonClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
let pkUserMuted: Bool = ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.isAnotherHostMuted
ZegoLiveStreamingManager.shared.muteAnotherHostAudio(!pkUserMuted, callback: nil)
Custom prebuilt UI
Customizable methods unique to the PK battle feature
In addition to the above-mentioned methods used for customization, the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVCDelegate
in ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVC
is provided for customizing some UI and features that are unique to the PK battle feature.
@objc public protocol ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVCDelegate: AnyObject {
@objc optional func getPKBattleForegroundView(_ parentView: UIView, userInfo: ZegoUIKitUser) -> UIView?
@objc optional func getPKBattleTopView(_ parentView: UIView, userList: [ZegoUIKitUser]) -> UIView?
@objc optional func getPKBattleBottomView(_ parentView: UIView, userList: [ZegoUIKitUser]) -> UIView?
To be specific, if you want to place custom views above, below, and on top of PKView, you can check the following sample code as a reference:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var userID: String?
var userName: String?
override func viewDidLoad() {
@IBAction func startLive(_ sender: Any) {
let config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingConfig = true)
let liveVC: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVC = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVC(self.appID, appSign: self.appSign, userID: self.userID ?? "", userName: self.userName ?? "", liveID: self.roomIDTextField.text ?? "", config: config)
liveVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
liveVC.delegate = self // set listener
self.present(liveVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
@IBAction func watchLive(_ sender: Any) {
let config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingConfig = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingConfig.audience(enableCoHosting: true)
let liveVC: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVC = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVC(self.appID, appSign: self.appSign, userID: self.userID ?? "", userName: self.userName ?? "", liveID: self.roomIDTextField.text ?? "", config: config)
liveVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
liveVC.delegate = self // set listener
self.present(liveVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
extension ViewController: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingVCDelegate {
func getPKBattleForegroundView(_ parentView: UIView, userInfo: ZegoUIKitUser) -> UIView? {
let view = UIView()
let button: UIButton = UIButton()
button.frame = CGRect(x: 30, y: 30, width: 80, height: 40)
return view
func getPKBattleTopView(_ parentView: UIView, userList: [ZegoUIKitUser]) -> UIView? {
let view = UIView()
view.backgroundColor =
return view
func getPKBattleBottomView(_ parentView: UIView, userList: [ZegoUIKitUser]) -> UIView? {
let view = UIView()
view.backgroundColor =
return view
The effect will be like this: