onAudioDeviceStateChanged property

(void Function(ZegoUpdateType updateType, ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, ZegoDeviceInfo deviceInfo)?) onAudioDeviceStateChanged
read / write

The callback triggered when there is a change to audio devices (i.e. new device added or existing device deleted).

Available since: 1.1.0 Description: By listening to this callback, users can update the sound collection or output using a specific device when necessary. When to trigger: This callback is triggered when an audio device is added or removed from the system. Restrictions: None. Platform differences: Only supports Windows and macOS.

  • updateType Update type (add/delete)
  • deviceType Audio device type
  • deviceInfo Audio device information


static void Function(
    ZegoUpdateType updateType,
    ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType,
    ZegoDeviceInfo deviceInfo)? onAudioDeviceStateChanged;