ZegoExpressEngineDevice extension



enableAudioCaptureDevice(bool enable) Future<void>
Enables or disables the audio capture device.
enableCamera(bool enable, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Turns on/off the camera (for the specified channel).
enableCameraAdaptiveFPS(bool enable, int minFPS, int maxFPS, ZegoPublishChannel channel) Future<void>
Enable camera adaptive frame rate.
enableHeadphoneMonitor(bool enable) Future<void>
Enables or disables headphone monitoring.
enableMixEnginePlayout(bool enable) Future<void>
Enable or disable mix SDK playout to stream publishing.
enableMixSystemPlayout(bool enable) Future<void>
Enable or disable system audio capture.
getAudioDeviceList(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType) Future<List<ZegoDeviceInfo>>
Gets a list of audio devices.
getAudioDeviceVolume(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) Future<int>
Get volume for the specified audio device.
getAudioRouteType() Future<ZegoAudioRoute>
get current audio route type.
getCameraMaxZoomFactor({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<double>
Get the maximum zoom factor of the camera and support specifying the publish channel.
getCurrentAudioDevice(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType) Future<ZegoDeviceInfo>
Get the audio device information currently in use.
getDefaultAudioDeviceID(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType) Future<String>
Get the device ID of the default audio device.
getDefaultVideoDeviceID() Future<String>
Get the device ID of the default video device.
getSpeakerVolumeInAPP(String deviceID) Future<int>
Get the volume of the speaker in the App, only support Windows.
getVideoDeviceList() Future<List<ZegoDeviceInfo>>
Gets a list of video devices.
isAudioDeviceMuted(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) Future<bool>
Check if the audio device is muted.
isCameraFocusSupported({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<bool>
Whether the camera supports focusing.
isMicrophoneMuted() Future<bool>
Checks whether the microphone is muted.
isSpeakerMuted() Future<bool>
Checks whether the audio output speaker is muted.
muteAudioDevice(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID, bool mute) Future<void>
Mutes or unmutes the audio device.
muteMicrophone(bool mute) Future<void>
Mutes or unmutes the microphone.
muteSpeaker(bool mute) Future<void>
Mutes or unmutes the audio output speaker.
setAudioDeviceMode(ZegoAudioDeviceMode deviceMode) Future<void>
Set the audio device mode.
setAudioDeviceVolume(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID, int volume) Future<void>
Set volume for the specified audio device.
setAudioRouteToSpeaker(bool defaultToSpeaker) Future<void>
Whether to use the built-in speaker to play audio.
setCameraExposureCompensation(double value, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the camera exposure compensation value and support spedifying the publish channel.
setCameraExposureMode(ZegoCameraExposureMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the camera exposure mode.
setCameraExposurePointInPreview(double x, double y, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the exposure point in the preview view.
setCameraFocusMode(ZegoCameraFocusMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the camera focus mode.
setCameraFocusPointInPreview(double x, double y, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the focus point in the preview view.
setCameraZoomFactor(double factor, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the zoom factor of the camera and support specifying the publish channel. Every time the camera is restarted, the camera zoom factor will return to the initial value (1.0).
setHeadphoneMonitorVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets the headphone monitor volume.
setMixSystemPlayoutVolume(int volume) Future<void>
set system audio capture volume.
setSpeakerVolumeInAPP(String deviceID, int volume) Future<void>
Set the volume of the speaker in the App.
startAudioDeviceVolumeMonitor(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) Future<void>
Turn on audio device volume monitoring.
startAudioSpectrumMonitor({int? millisecond}) Future<void>
Starts audio spectrum monitoring. Support setting the listening interval.
startAudioVADStableStateMonitor(ZegoAudioVADStableStateMonitorType type, {int? millisecond}) Future<void>
Start audio VAD stable state monitoring, and the monitoring period can be set.
startSoundLevelMonitor({ZegoSoundLevelConfig? config}) Future<void>
Starts sound level monitoring. Support enable some advanced feature.
stopAudioDeviceVolumeMonitor(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) Future<void>
Turn off audio device volume monitoring. Only for Windows/macOS.
stopAudioSpectrumMonitor() Future<void>
Stops audio spectrum monitoring.
stopAudioVADStableStateMonitor(ZegoAudioVADStableStateMonitorType type) Future<void>
Stop audio VAD stable state monitoring.
stopSoundLevelMonitor() Future<void>
Stops sound level monitoring.
useAudioDevice(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) Future<void>
Chooses to use the specified audio device.
useAudioOutputDevice(int viewID, String deviceID) Future<void>
Switch the audio output device.
useFrontCamera(bool enable, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Switches to the front or the rear camera (for the specified channel).
useVideoDevice(String deviceID, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Chooses to use the specified video device (for the specified channel).