sendBarrageMessage method

Future<ZegoIMSendBarrageMessageResult> sendBarrageMessage(
  1. String roomID,
  2. String message

Sends a Barrage Message (bullet screen) to all users in the same room, without guaranteeing the delivery.

Available since: 1.5.0 Description: Send a barrage message to the room, users who have logged in to the same room can receive the message, the message is unreliable. Use cases: Generally used in scenarios where there is a large number of messages sent and received in the room and the reliability of the messages is not required, such as live barrage. When to call: After calling loginRoom to log in to the room. Restrictions: The frequency of sending barrage messages in the same room cannot be higher than 20 messages/s. For restrictions on the use of this function, please contact ZEGO technical support. Related callbacks: The room barrage message can be received through onIMRecvBarrageMessage. Related APIs: Broadcast messages can be sent through the sendBroadcastMessage function, and custom command can be sent through the sendCustomCommand function.

  • roomID Room ID, a string of less 128 bytes in length. Caution:
    1. room ID is defined by yourself.
    2. Only support numbers, English characters and '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', ''.
    3. If you need to communicate with the Web SDK, please do not use '%'.
  • message The content of the message. Required: Yes. Value range: The length does not exceed 1024 bytes.
  • Returns Send barrage message result callback.


Future<ZegoIMSendBarrageMessageResult> sendBarrageMessage(
    String roomID, String message) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance.sendBarrageMessage(roomID, message);