enableVideoSuperResolution method
Enable video super resolution.
Available since: 3.0.0 Description: Whether to enable video super resolution when playing stream, the resolution of the played video can be doubled at the stream playing end through video super resolution. For example, the original resolution is 640x360, and the super-resolution is 1280x720. Use cases: Live streaming scenario. When to call: Video super resolution is only valid for playing stream video. Needs to be called after initVideoSuperResolution. Caution:
- This function requires a special package, please contact ZEGO technical support;
- This function will consume extra system resources. In order to ensure user experience, ZEGO can only enable video super resolution for one stream, and the original video resolution is not recommended to exceed 640 × 360. Related callbacks: Developer can use the onPlayerVideoSuperResolutionUpdate callback to monitor the video super resolution status change.
The ID of the stream that currently needs to turn on or off overscore.enable
Whether to enable super resolution, it is not enabled by default.
Future<void> enableVideoSuperResolution(String streamID, bool enable) async {
return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance
.enableVideoSuperResolution(streamID, enable);