ZegoMixerInput class

Mixer input.

Configure the mix stream input stream ID, type, and the layout


ZegoMixerInput(String streamID, ZegoMixerInputContentType contentType, Rect layout, int soundLevelID, int volume, bool isAudioFocus, int audioDirection, {ZegoLabelInfo? label, ZegoMixRenderMode? renderMode, ZegoMixerImageInfo? imageInfo, int? cornerRadius, Map<String, String>? advancedConfig})


advancedConfig Map<String, String>?
Set advanced configuration. Please contact ZEGO technical support. On web platforms, this property does not take effect.
getter/setter pair
audioDirection int
The direction of the audio. Valid direction is between 0 to 360. Set -1 means disable. Default value is -1. On web platforms, this property does not take effect.
getter/setter pair
contentType ZegoMixerInputContentType
Mix stream content type
getter/setter pair
cornerRadius int?
Description: Video frame corner radius, in px. Required: False. Value range: Does not exceed the width and height of the video screen set by the layout parameter. Default value: 0.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
imageInfo ZegoMixerImageInfo?
User image information.
getter/setter pair
isAudioFocus bool
Whether the focus voice is enabled in the current input stream, the sound of this stream will be highlighted if enabled. On web platforms, this property does not take effect.
getter/setter pair
label ZegoLabelInfo?
Text watermark.
getter/setter pair
layout Rect
Stream layout. When the mixed stream is an audio stream (that is, the ContentType parameter is set to the audio mixed stream type). Developers do not need to assign a value to this field, just use the SDK default.
getter/setter pair
renderMode ZegoMixRenderMode?
Video view render mode.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
soundLevelID int
If enable soundLevel in mix stream task, an unique soundLevelID is need for every stream
getter/setter pair
streamID String
Stream ID, a string of up to 256 characters. Caution: You cannot include URL keywords, otherwise publishing stream and playing stream will fails. Only support numbers, English characters and '-', '_'.
getter/setter pair
volume int
Input stream volume, valid range 0, 200, default is 100. On web platforms, this property does not take effect.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toMap() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.