ZegoPublisherConfig class

Advanced publisher configuration.

Configure room id


ZegoPublisherConfig({String? roomID, int? forceSynchronousNetworkTime, ZegoStreamCensorshipMode? streamCensorshipMode, int? streamCensorFlag, ZegoCapabilityNegotiationType? codecNegotiationType})


codecNegotiationType ZegoCapabilityNegotiationType?
Codec capability negotiation type. By default, no reference to the outcome of the capability negotiation. If you want to use this function, contact ZEGO technical support.
read / write
forceSynchronousNetworkTime ↔ int?
Whether to synchronize the network time when pushing streams. 1 is synchronized with 0 is not synchronized. And must be used with setStreamAlignmentProperty. It is used to align multiple streams at the mixed stream service or streaming end, such as the chorus scene of KTV.
read / write
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
roomID ↔ String?
The Room ID, It is not necessary to pass in single room mode, but the ID of the corresponding room must be passed in multi-room mode
read / write
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
streamCensorFlag ↔ int?
Inspect flag. If you want to use this function, contact ZEGO technical support.
read / write
streamCensorshipMode ZegoStreamCensorshipMode?
When pushing a flow, review the pattern of the flow. By default, no audit is performed. If you want to use this function, contact ZEGO technical support.
read / write


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() → String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) → bool
The equality operator.