ZegoRoomConfig class

Advanced room configuration.

Configure maximum number of users in the room and authentication token, etc.


ZegoRoomConfig(int maxMemberCount, bool isUserStatusNotify, String token, {int? capabilityNegotiationTypes})
Create a default room configuration


capabilityNegotiationTypes ↔ int?
The bitmask marker for capability negotiation, refer to enum ZegoRoomCapabilityNegotiationTypesBitMask, when this param converted to binary, 0b01 that means 1 << 0 for enable the capability negotiation of all user in the room, 0x10 that means 1 << 1 for enable the capability negotiation of publisher in the room. The masks can be combined to allow different types of capability negotiation.
read / write
hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
isUserStatusNotify ↔ bool
Whether to enable the user in and out of the room callback notification onRoomUserUpdate, the default is off. If developers need to use ZEGO Room user notifications, make sure that each user who login sets this flag to true
read / write
maxMemberCount ↔ int
The maximum number of users in the room, Passing 0 means unlimited, the default is unlimited.
read / write
runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
token ↔ String
The token issued by the developer's business server is used to ensure security. For the generation rules, please refer to Using Token Authentication, the default is an empty string, that is, no authentication. In versions 2.17.0 and above, if appSign is not passed in when calling the createEngine API to create an engine, or if appSign is empty, this parameter must be set for authentication when logging in to a room.
read / write


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toMap() → Map<String, dynamic>
toString() → String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) → bool
The equality operator.