Our Story
Our Story
Our journey in audio and video hardware and software development started back in 2001. The core team focused on key technologies in digital signals, algorithms for voice and video, as well as network transmission.
We’ve learned from years of experience that delivering real-time audio and video is no easy feat. It can only be achieved with a wealth of knowledge in many different fields. Yet in this digital era, there are so many use cases for voice and video interaction to build bridges and forge links.
So we started to explore how to share our passion for and expertise in audio and video solutions with more businesses and developers as a partner in their journey of success. That’s why we founded ZEGOCLOUD in 2015.
With Real-Time Communication (RTC) empowered by AI, ZEGOCLOUD now seeks to turn the vision for Real-Time Interaction (RTI) into a reality. We lay the groundwork for businesses and developers to build RTI into their apps across mobile internet and the metaverse. Flexible, customizable, low code.
Our History
ZEGOCLOUD RTC voice engine was launched, and real-time interaction service can be accessed with just 4 lines of code.
What we build
Our Values
We are shaped by our core values, which drive us to create more value in the field of Real-Time Interaction.
Do it right the first time
We give our bestest even when it’s our first time. “But I haven’t done it before!” is never our easy pass.
Tackle a problem straight away
A hole in a net will only get bigger if left ignored. See it, say it, fix it.
Pay close attention to every detail
When closing the door of a 5-star hotel room, we don’t assume it’s locked. We double-check because reliable results come from attention to detail.
Delegate to be a team player
Know your limit and delegate work that others are better at. That’s also a way of being responsible.
Take time for self-reflection
An objective understanding of oneself comes from others’ feedback and self-reflection. Look in the mirror: we’re all ears.
See from others’ perspective
We walk in others’ shoes to know how they feel. That’s teamwork for us.
Stay on top of things
A clock ticks when all gears turn. A team ticks when every member delivers on time.
Lead by example
We believe action speaks louder than words, so we don’t just talk the talk, but also walk the walk. No empty promises, no lip services.
Our Investors