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How to Add a Call Invitation Feature to Your App

How to Add a Call Invitation Feature to Your App

In modern communication apps, a seamless call invitation feature is essential for enhancing user interaction and improving the overall experience. Whether you’re building a social networking platform, a business tool, or a gaming app, having the ability to invite others to join a call can make your app more dynamic and engaging. This blog will walk you through the process of implementing a call invitation feature in a calling scenario with ZEGOCLOUD In-app Chat, providing you with step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth integration. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to add this valuable functionality to your app.

Before You Start

Before you begin, make sure:

  • You have created a project in ZEGOCLOUD Console, and get the valid AppID and AppSign. For details, please refer to Admin Console – How to view project information.
  • You have downloaded the demo.
  • Your project has integrated ZEGO Express SDK , and your project has implemented basic real-time audio and video features. For details, please refer to Quick Start.
  • Your project has activated the In-app Chat service.
In-app Chat service activation

Preview the Effect You Can Achieve with This Demo

You can achieve the following effect with the demo provided in this doc:

Using the demo provided in this document, you can achieve the following results:

Home PageIncoming Call DialogWaiting PageCalling Page
Home PageIncoming Pagewaiting pageCalling Page

How Does It Work?

Implementation of the call invitation is based on the Call invitation (signaling) feature provided by the ZEGOCLOUD In-app chat (hereafter referred to as ZIM SDK), which provides the capability of call invitation, allowing you to send, cancel, accept, and refuse a call invitation.

The following outlines the call invitation process, using the example of “Alice calls Bob, Bob accepts, and the call is successfully connected”:

Here is a brief overview of the solution:

  1. The caller can send a call invitation to a specific user by calling the callInvite method and waiting for the callee’s response.
    • When the callee accepts the call invitation, the caller will receive a callback notification via onCallUserStateChanged.
    • When the callee rejects the call invitation, the caller will receive a callback notification via onCallUserStateChanged.
    • When the callee does not respond within the timeout period, the caller will receive a callback notification via onCallUserStateChanged.
    • The caller can call callCancel to cancel the call invitation during the waiting period.
    • You can set advanced mode in callInvite,in advanced mode:
      • The caller can call callQuit to quit the call invitation.
      • The caller can call callEnd to end the call invitation.
      • The caller can call callingInvite to add callees to the existing call invitation.
  1. When the callee receives a call invitation, the callee will receive a callback notification via the onCallInvitationReceived and can choose to accept, reject, or not respond to the call.
    • If the callee wants to accept the call invitation, call the callAccept method.
    • If the callee wants to reject the call invitation, call the callReject method.
    • When the caller cancel the call invitation, the callee will receive a callback notification via onCallInvitationCancelled.
    • When the callee does not respond within the timeout period, the callee will receive a callback notification via onCallInvitationTimeout.
  2. If any callee accepts the invitation, the call will begin.

Later in this document, the complete call process will be described in detail.


Integrate and Start to Use the ZIM SDK

If you have not used the ZIM SDK before, you can read the following section:

Import the ZIM SDK

To import the ZIM SDK, do the following:

1. Set up repositories.
  • If your Android Gradle Plugin is v7.1.0 or later: go to the root directory of your project, open the settings.gradle file, and add the following line to the dependencyResolutionManagement:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
   repositories {
       maven { url '' }

If you can not find the above fields in settings.gradle, it’s probably because your Android Gradle Plugin version is lower than v7.1.0. For more details, see Android Gradle Plugin Release Note v7.1.0.

  • If your Android Gradle Plugin is earlier than 7.1.0: go to the root directory of your project, open the build.gradle file, and add the following line to the allprojects:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
2. Declare dependencies

Go to the app directory, open the build.gradle file, and add the following line to the dependencies. (x.y.z is the SDK version number. To obtain the latest version number, see ZIM Release Notes.

dependencies {
implementation 'im.zego:zim:x.y.z'

Create and Manage SDK instances

After successful integration, you can use the ZIM SDK like this:

import im.zego.zim.ZIM

Creating a ZIM instance is the very first step, an instance corresponds to a user logging in to the system as a client.

ZIMAppConfig appConfig = new ZIMAppConfig();
appConfig.appID = yourAppID;
appConfig.appSign = yourAppSign;
zim = ZIM.create(appConfig, application);

Later on, we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use the ZIM SDK to develop the call invitation feature.

Manage Multiple SDKs More Easily

In most cases, you need to use multiple SDKs together. For example, in the call invitation scenario described in this doc, you need to use the ZIM SDK to implement the call invitation feature, and then use the ZEGOCLOUD Express Engine SDK to implement the calling feature.

If your app has direct calls to SDKs everywhere, it can make the code difficult to manage and troubleshoot. To make your app code more organized, we recommend the following way to manage these SDKs:

1. Create a wrapper layer for each SDK so that you can reuse the code to the greatest extent possible. Create a ZIMService class for the ZIM SDK, which manages the interaction with the SDK and stores the necessary data. Please refer to the complete code in

public class ZIMService {

// ...

public void initSDK(Application application, long appID, String appSign) {
zimProxy.create(application, appID, appSign);
// ...

class ZIMProxy {

private SimpleZIMEventHandler zimEventHandler;

public void create(Application application, long appID, String appSign) {
ZIMAppConfig zimAppConfig = new ZIMAppConfig();
zimAppConfig.appID = appID;
zimAppConfig.appSign = appSign;
ZIM.create(zimAppConfig, application);

zimEventHandler = new SimpleZIMEventHandler();
if (getZIM() != null) {


Similarly, create an ExpressService class for the zego_express_engine sdk, which manages the interaction with the SDK and stores the necessary data. Please refer to the complete code in

public class ExpressService {

// ...
public void initSDK(Application application, long appID, String appSign, ZegoScenario scenario) {
ZegoEngineConfig config = new ZegoEngineConfig();
config.advancedConfig.put("notify_remote_device_unknown_status", "true");
config.advancedConfig.put("notify_remote_device_init_status", "true");
engineProxy.createEngine(application, appID, appSign, scenario);
// ...

class ExpressEngineProxy {

private SimpleExpressEventHandler expressEventHandler;

public void createEngine(Application application, long appID, String appSign, ZegoScenario scenario) {
ZegoEngineProfile profile = new ZegoEngineProfile();
profile.appID = appID;
profile.appSign = appSign;
profile.scenario = scenario;
profile.application = application;
expressEventHandler = new SimpleExpressEventHandler();
ZegoExpressEngine.createEngine(profile, expressEventHandler);

With the service, you can add methods to the service whenever you need to use any SDK interface.

For example: Easily add the connectUser method to the ZIMService when you need to implement login.
public class ZIMService {
// ...
public void connectUser(String userID, String userName, String token,ZIMLoggedInCallback callback) {
ZIMUserInfo zimUserInfo = new ZIMUserInfo();
zimUserInfo.userID = userID;
zimUserInfo.userName = userName;
zim.login(zimUserInfo,token, new ZIMLoggedInCallback() {
public void onLoggedIn(ZIMError errorInfo) {
// ...

2. After completing the service encapsulation, you can further simplify the code by creating a ZEGOSDKManager to manage these services, as shown below. Please refer to the complete code in

public class ZEGOSDKManager {
public ExpressService expressService = new ExpressService();
public ZIMService zimService = new ZIMService();

private ZEGOSDKManager(){


private static final class Holder {
private static final ZEGOSDKManager INSTANCE = new ZEGOSDKManager();

public static ZEGOSDKManager getInstance() {
return Holder.INSTANCE;

public void initSDK(Application application, long appID, String appSign,ZegoScenario scenario) {
expressService.initSDK(application, appID, appSign,scenario);
zimService.initSDK(application, appID, appSign);

3. Now, you have implemented a singleton class that manages the SDK services you need. From now on, you can get an instance of this class anywhere in your project and use it to execute SDK-related logic, such as:

  • When the app starts up: call ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().initSDK(application,appID,appSign);
  • When login : call ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().connectUser(userID,userName,callback);

Later, we will introduce how to add a call invitation feature based on this.

Send a call invitation

1. Crete a class to manage CallInvitation messages and callbacks.We send callInvitation by ZEGOCallInvitationManager interfaces and listen to callbacks from ZEGOCallInvitationManager.

For details, see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

public class ZEGOCallInvitationManager {

     private static final class Holder {

         private static final ZEGOCallInvitationManager INSTANCE = new ZEGOCallInvitationManager();

     private ZEGOCallInvitationManager() {


     public static ZEGOCallInvitationManager getInstance() {
         return ZEGOCallInvitationManager.Holder.INSTANCE;

     private IZIMEventHandler zimEventHandler;
     private CallInviteInfo callInviteInfo;

     public void init(Context context) {
         // zimEventHandler = ...
         ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().zimService.addEventHandler(zimEventHandler, false);

     public void addCallListener(CallChangedListener listener, boolean autoRemove) {
         if (autoRemove) {
         } else {

     private void sendCall(List<String> userIDList, boolean video, ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback callback) {


2. Pass extension information

When the caller initiates a call, not only specifying the callee, but also passing on information to the callee is allowed, such as whether to initiate a video call or an audio-only call.

The ZIMCallInviteConfig parameter of the callInvite method allows for passing a string type of extended information extendedData. This extended information will be passed to the callee. You can use this method to allow the caller to pass any information to the callee.

In the example demo of this solution, you will use the CallInviteExtendedData type to define the extendedData of the call invitation, and you need to convert it to a string in JSON format and pass it to the callee when initiating the call. (See complete source code). The CallInviteExtendedData includes the call type and the name of the caller.

public class CallExtendedData {

    public int type;
    public static final int VIDEO_CALL = 10000;
    public static final int VOICE_CALL = 10001;

After defining the structure of CallExtendedData, we can use callinvite to send a call request,see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

 private void sendCall(List<String> userIDList, boolean video, ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback callback) {
    if (callInviteInfo == null) {
        callInviteInfo = new CallInviteInfo();
        CallExtendedData extendedData = new CallExtendedData();
        if (video) {
            extendedData.type = CallExtendedData.VIDEO_CALL;
        } else {
            extendedData.type = CallExtendedData.VOICE_CALL;

        ZIMCallInviteConfig config = new ZIMCallInviteConfig();
        config.extendedData = extendedData.toString();
        config.mode = ZIMCallInvitationMode.ADVANCED;
        ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().zimService.sendUserRequest(userIDList, config,...);
    } else {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {
            ZIMCallingInviteConfig config = new ZIMCallingInviteConfig();
            ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().zimService.addUserToRequest(userIDList, callInviteInfo.requestID, config,...);

Note: The caller needs to check the errorInfo in onCallInvitationSent to determine if the call is successful and handle exception cases such as call failure due to network disconnection on the caller’s phone.

3. After Sending the Call

In our example demo, if the call is a 1v1 call, after sending the request, we will enter a waiting page. If it is a group call, after sending the request, we will directly enter the call page, which is convenient for displaying the call status of everyone. (See complete source code)

ZEGOCallInvitationManager.getInstance().inviteVideoCall(Arrays.asList(split), new ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback() {
  public void onCallInvitationSent(String requestID, ZIMCallInvitationSentInfo info,
      ZIMError errorInfo) {
      if (errorInfo.code.value() == 0) {
          if (split.length > 1) {
              Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, CallInvitationActivity.class);
          } else {
              Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, CallWaitActivity.class);

In the 1v1 calling scenario, as a caller, after initiating the call, you will enter the call waiting page, where you can listen to the status changes of the call. See complete source code for details. The key code is as follows:

public class CallWaitActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private CallChangedListener listener;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
        // ...

When the callee accepts the call invitation, you will enter the calling page and the call starts.

public class CallWaitActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
        listener = new CallChangedListener() {

            public void onInvitedUserAccepted(String requestID, CallInviteUser acceptUser) {
                ZEGOSDKUser currentUser = ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().expressService.getCurrentUser();
                if (Objects.equals(acceptUser.getUserID(), currentUser.userID)) {
                if (requestID.equals(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(CallWaitActivity.this, CallInvitationActivity.class);
        // ...

When the callee refuses the call invitation, you will return to the previous page and the call ends. Similarly, when the callee doesn’t respond within the timeout, the call ends and returns to the previous page.

public class CallWaitingActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
        zimEventHandler = new IZIMEventHandler() {

            public void onCallEnded(String requestID) {
                if (requestID.equals(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {

        // ...

After initiating a call, the caller can end the call at any time by calling the callEnd method.

In the callEnd method, you are required to pass a callID. callID is a unique identifier for a call invitation that can be obtained from the ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback parameter of the callInvite method.

public class CallWaitingActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
// ...
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...
binding.outgoingCallCancelButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {
ZegoCallInvitationManager.getInstance().endCallRequest(callInfo.callID, callInfo.calleeUserID, new UserRequestCallback() {
public void onUserRequestSend(int errorCode, String requestID) {
if (errorCode == 0) {
} else {, "send reject failed :" + errorCode);
// ...
// ...

In the group call scenario, as a caller, after initiating the call, you will enter the calling page, where you can listen to the status changes of the all the callees. See complete source code\|_blank for details.The key code is as follows:

callChangedListener = new CallChangedListener() {

    public void onInvitedUserRejected(String requestID, CallInviteUser rejectUser) {



    public void onInvitedUserTimeout(String requestID, CallInviteUser timeoutUser) {


    public void onInvitedUserQuit(String requestID, CallInviteUser quitUser) {


    public void onInvitedUserAccepted(String requestID, CallInviteUser acceptUser) {


    public void onCallEnded(String requestID) {
        if (!isDisplayPip()) {

    public void onCallCancelled(String requestID) {
        if (!isDisplayPip()) {

    public void onCallTimeout(String requestID) {

    public void onInviteNewUser(String requestID, CallInviteUser inviteUser) {

When there are any waiting or accepted callees in the call invitation, the call is in progress, otherwise, you will return to the previous page and the call ends.

private void checkIfCallEnded() {
    if (callInviteInfo == null) {
        // already end
    boolean shouldEndCall = true;
    ZEGOSDKUser currentUser = ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().expressService.getCurrentUser();
    for (CallInviteUser callInviteUser : callInviteInfo.userList) {
        if (!Objects.equals(callInviteUser.getUserID(), currentUser.userID)) {
            // except self
            if (callInviteUser.isAccepted() || callInviteUser.isWaiting()) {
                shouldEndCall = false;
    if (shouldEndCall) {
        for (CallChangedListener listener : callListeners) {
        for (CallChangedListener listener : autoRemoveCallListeners) {
ZEGOCallInvitationManager.getInstance().addCallListener(new CallChangedListener() {
    public void onCallEnded(String requestID) {
        Timber.d("onCallEnded() called with: requestID = [" + requestID + "]");

Respond to call invitation

When the callee receives a call invitation, they will receive the callback notification via onCallInvitationReceived.

  1. To accept or reject the call invite, the callee can call the callAccept or callReject method.
  2. The callee can obtain the extendedData passed by the caller in ZIMCallInvitationReceivedInfo.
  3. When the callee accepts or rejects the call invitation, they can use the config parameter in the interface to pass additional information to the caller, such as the reason for rejection being due to user rejection or a busy signal.

The callee needs to check the errorInfo in callback to determine if the response is successful when calling the methods to accept or reject the call invite, and handle exception cases such as response failure due to network disconnection on the callee’s phone.

Next, we will use the demo code to illustrate how to implement this part of the functionality.

1. When the callee receives a call invitation:

  1. If the callee is not in the busy state: the IncomingCallDialog will be triggered to let the callee decide whether to accept or reject the call.
  2. If the callee is in the busy state: the invitation will be automatically rejected, and the caller will be informed that the callee is in the busy state.

For details, see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

 public void onInComingUserRequestReceived(String requestID, String inviter, String extendedData) {
    CallExtendedData callExtendedData = CallExtendedData.parse(extendedData);
    if (callExtendedData != null) {
        if (callExtendedData.isVideoCall() || callExtendedData.isVoiceCall()) {
            boolean inCallRequest = callInviteInfo != null;
            String roomID = ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().expressService.getCurrentRoomID();
            boolean inRoom = !TextUtils.isEmpty(roomID);
            if (inCallRequest || inRoom) {
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                try {
                    jsonObject.put("type", callExtendedData.type);
                    jsonObject.put("callID", requestID);
                    jsonObject.put("reason", "busy");
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                busyRejectCallRequest(requestID, jsonObject.toString(), new UserRequestCallback() {
                    public void onUserRequestSend(int errorCode, String requestID) {


2. When the callee wants to accept the call invite: after the IncomingCallDialog pops up, when the accept button is clicked, callAccept method will be called and will enter the CallingPage.

For details, see complete source code The key code is as follows:

public class IncomingCallDialog extends AppCompatActivity {
    // ...
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
        binding.dialogCallAccept.setOnClickListener(v -> {
             ZEGOCallInvitationManager.getInstance().acceptCallRequest(callInviteInfo.requestID, new UserRequestCallback() {
                public void onUserRequestSend(int errorCode, String requestID) {
                    if (errorCode == 0) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent(IncomingCallDialog.this, CallInvitationActivity.class);
                    } else {
              , "callAccept failed :" + errorCode);
        // ...
    // ...

3. When the callee wants to reject the call invite: after the IncomingCallDialog pops up, when the reject button is clicked, callReject method will be called.

For details, see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

public class IncomingCallDialog extends AppCompatActivity {
    // ...
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ...
         binding.incomingCallRejectButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {
            ZegoCallInvitationManager.getInstance().rejectCallRequest(callInfo.callID, new UserRequestCallback() {
                public void onUserRequestSend(int errorCode, String requestID) {
                    if (errorCode == 0) {
                    } else {
              , "send reject failed :" + errorCode);
        // ...
    // ...

4. When the callee doesn’t respond: after the IncomingCallDialog pops up, if the call invitation times out due to the callee’s lack of response, the IncomingCallDialog needs to disappear.

For details, see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

public class IncomingCallDialog extends AppCompatActivity {
    // ...
    callChangedListener = new CallChangedListener() {
        public void onCallEnded(String requestID) {
            if (requestID.equals(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {

        public void onCallCancelled(String requestID) {
            if (requestID.equals(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {

        public void onCallTimeout(String requestID) {
            if (requestID.equals(callInviteInfo.requestID)) {
    // ...

Implement Busy State

Finally, you also need to check the user’s busy status, similar to the busy signal logic when making a phone call.

A busy signal refers to the situation where, when you try to dial a phone number, the target phone is being connected by other users, so you cannot connect with the target phone. In this case, you usually hear a busy tone or see a busy line prompt.

In general, being called, calling, and being in a call are defined as **busy states**. In the busy state, you can only handle the current call invitation or call, and cannot accept or send other call invitations. The state transition diagram is as follows:

In the example demo, you can use ZEGOSDKManager to manage the user’s busy status:

1. When receiving a call invitation, check whether the callee is in a busy state. If so, reject the call invitation directly and inform the caller that the call was rejected due to being busy.

For details, see complete source code. The key code is as follows:

ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().zimService.addEventHandler(new IZIMEventHandler() {
    public void onInComingUserRequestReceived(String requestID, String inviter, String extendedData) {
        CallExtendedData callExtendedData = CallExtendedData.parse(extendedData);
        if (callExtendedData != null) {
            if (callExtendedData.isVideoCall() || callExtendedData.isVoiceCall()) {
                boolean inCallRequest = callInviteInfo != null;
                String roomID = ZEGOSDKManager.getInstance().expressService.getCurrentRoomID();
                boolean inRoom = !TextUtils.isEmpty(roomID);
                if (inCallRequest || inRoom) {
                    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                    try {
                        jsonObject.put("type", callExtendedData.type);
                        jsonObject.put("callID", requestID);
                        jsonObject.put("reason", "busy");
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                    busyRejectCallRequest(requestID, jsonObject.toString(), new UserRequestCallback() {
                        public void onUserRequestSend(int errorCode, String requestID) {


public void autoRejectCallInviteCauseBusy(String callID, String extendedData,ZIMCallRejectionSentCallback callback) {
    ZIMCallRejectConfig config = new ZIMCallRejectConfig();
    config.extendedData = extendedData;
    zim.callReject(callID, config, new ZIMCallRejectionSentCallback() {
        public void onCallRejectionSent(String callID, ZIMError errorInfo) {
                "onCallRejectionSent() called with: callID = [" + callID + "], errorInfo = [" + errorInfo.code + "(+" + errorInfo.message + "]");
            if (callback != null) {
                callback.onCallRejectionSent(callID, errorInfo);

Start the Call

After any callee accepts the call invitation, the caller will receive the callback notification via onCallInvitationAccepted,and other invited user will receive onCallUserStateChanged to sync call user states.

You can refer to the implementation of the call page in Quick Start, or you can directly refer to the demo’s sample code included in this doc.

In this demo, we use callID as the roomID for zego_express_sdk. For information on roomID, refer to Key concepts.


A call invitation feature is essential for a communication app as it streamlines the process of initiating real-time conversations. It also enhances user engagement and fosters seamless connectivity between users. By following this guide, you now can establish a robust call system based on the demo empowered by ZEGOCLOUD Video Call and In-app Chat. The wonderful feature allows users to perform multiple calling actions, including creating, accepting, declining and cancelling call invitations. Such a feature can help your app be more interactive. Sign up today and enjoy 10,000 minutes free of charge.

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