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Customize the UI for call invitation


After sending a call invitation, a caller or callee will see different calling pages, which can be customized as needed.

This waiting page will show after you send a call invitation, which can be customized.

This pop-up will show when you receive a call invitation, which can also be customized as needed.

How do I customize the waiting page?

You can customize the waiting page by calling the setCallInvitationConfig interface to set the enableCustomCallInvitationWaitingPage parameter and listen for the onWaitingPageWhenSending callback.

    enableCustomCallInvitationWaitingPage: true,
   // The following is the callback for showing the waiting page after a call invitation is sent. This callback function returns [cancel] for you to set the corresponding user interface.
   onWaitingPageWhenSending: (callType,callees,cancel) =>{
     // Add your custom logic here. 
     // The following shows an example, the waitingPageDom is the DOM object that is used to represent the page element, here the page indicates the waiting page when sending a call invitation.
      waitingPageDom.style.display = 'block';
     // The method used to set the cancel call invitation operation.
     cancelButton.onclick = () => {
   onSetRoomConfigBeforeJoining:(callType) => {
       // The callback for set room config before joining the room, at which point you can hide the waiting page before joining the room.
        waitingPageDom.style.display = 'none';
    onCallInvitationEnded:(reason) => { 
       // You will need to hide your custom waiting page when your call invitation is not connected successfully.
        waitingPageDom.style.display = 'none';
<div id="waitingPage" style="display: none">
    // Customize your UI
    // To display information about the callee, you can obtain the callees parameter through the onWaitingPageWhenSending callback
    // To cancel the call, you can call the cancel method of the onWaitingPageWhenSending callback

How do I customize the call invitation dialog?

You can customize the call invitation dialog by setting the enableCustomCallInvitationDialog parameter and listening to the onConfirmDialogWhenReceiving callback through the setCallInvitationConfig interface.

    enableCustomCallInvitationDialog: true,
   // The following is the callback for showing the call invitation pop-up dialog when receiving a call invitation, this callback returns [accept] and [refuse] for you to set the corresponding UI.
   onConfirmDialogWhenReceiving: (callType,caller,refuse,accept,data) =>{
     // Add your custom logic here.
     // The following shows an example, the confirmDialogDom is the DOM dialog object that you used to represent the dialog element. here the dialog indicates your custom call invitation dialog. 
        confirmDialogDom.style.display = 'block';
     // The method used to set refuse and accept operations.
        refuseButton.onclick = () => { 
              confirmDialogDom.style.display = 'none';
        acceptButton.onclick = () => { 
              confirmDialogDom.style.display = 'none';
   onCallInvitationEnded:(reason)=> {
        // You will need to hide your customized call invitation dialog when the call invitation timed out or is canceled.
          confirmDialogDom.style.display = 'none';
<div id="confirmDialog" style="display: none">
    // Customize your UI
    // To display information about the caller, you can access the caller parameter through the onConfirmDialogWhenReceiving callback
    // To accept a call, you can call the accept method in the onConfirmDialogWhenReceiving callback
    // To reject a call, you can call the refuse method in the onConfirmDialogWhenReceiving callback



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