ZIM upgrade Guide
This article introduces some instructions and precautions when upgrading the In-app Chat macOS SDK.
2.19.0 upgrade guide
Starting from version 2.19.0, the following interfaces have undergone significant changes. Therefore, when upgrading from an older version to version 2.19.0, please read the following guidelines.
downloadMediaFileWithMessage and related callbacks
The original downloadMediaFile
API is deprecated. Please use the new downloadMediaFileWithMessage instead. The updated downloadMediaFileWithMessage introduces a new config
parameter, which can be used to specify the download of individual media content in multi-item messages.
In ZIMMediaDownloadingProgress and ZIMMediaDownloadedCallback, the message
parameter type has changed from ZIMMediaMessage *
to ZIMMessage *
to support multi-item messages. You need to fix the calls according to the compile error hints from the IDE.
// Assume multipleMessage.messageInfoList[0] is a text message, and multipleMessage.messageInfoList[1] is an image message
ZIMMultipleMessage *multipleMessage = (ZIMMultipleMessage *)message;
ZIMMediaDownloadConfig *config = [[ZIMMediaDownloadConfig alloc] init];
// Specify to download the image message
config.messageInfoIndex = 1;
[[ZIM getInstance] downloadMediaFileWithMessage:multipleMessage
progress:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, unsigned long long currentFileSize, unsigned long long totalFileSize) {
// Download progress
// Developers need to check the type of the message and cast it to the corresponding message type
if ([message isKindOfClass:[ZIMMultipleMessage class]]) {
ZIMMultipleMessage *multipleMessage = (ZIMMultipleMessage *)message;
// Handle multi-item messages
// Handle Other Message
callback:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
// Download complete
// Developers need to check the type of the message and cast it to the corresponding message type
if ([message isKindOfClass:[ZIMMultipleMessage class]]) {
ZIMMultipleMessage *multipleMessage = (ZIMMultipleMessage *)message;
// Handle multi-item messages
// Handle Other Messages
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
ZIMMediaDownloadConfig *config = [[ZIMMediaDownloadConfig alloc] init];
[[ZIM getInstance] downloadMediaFileWithMessage:imageMessage
progress:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, unsigned long long currentFileSize, unsigned long long totalFileSize) {
// Download progress
// Developers need to check the type of the message and cast it to the corresponding message type
if ([message isKindOfClass:[ZIMImageMessage class]]) {
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
// Handle image messages
// Handle
callback:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
// Download complete
// Developers need to check the type of the message and cast it to the corresponding message type
if ([message isKindOfClass:[ZIMImageMessage class]]) {
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
// Handle image messages
// Handle Other
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
[[ZIM getInstance] downloadMediaFileWithMessage:imageMessage
progress:^(ZIMMediaMessage * _Nonnull message, unsigned long long currentFileSize, unsigned long long totalFileSize) {
// Download progress
callback:^(ZIMMediaMessage * _Nonnull message, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
// Download complete
Since version 2.19.0, multimedia messages must be sent using the sendMessage interface. The sendMediaMessage
interface is deprecated to unify message sending and facilitate future general extensions.
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
ZIMMessageSendConfig *config = [[ZIMMessageSendConfig alloc] init];
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriorityMedium;
ZIMMessageSendNotification *notification = [[ZIMMessageSendNotification alloc] init];
notification.onMessageAttached = ^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message) {
// Developers can listen to this callback to execute business logic before sending the message
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = ^(ZIMMediaMessage * _Nonnull message, unsigned long long currentFileSize, unsigned long long totalFileSize) {
// Developers can listen to this callback to get the multimedia upload progress
[[ZIM getInstance] sendMessage:imageMessage
callback:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo){
// Message Send Result
ZIMImageMessage *imageMessage = (ZIMImageMessage *)message;
ZIMMessageSendConfig *config = [[ZIMMessageSendConfig alloc] init];
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriorityMedium;
ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification *notification = [[ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification alloc] init];
notification.onMessageAttached = ^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message) {
// // Developers can listen to this callback to execute business logic before sending the message
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = ^(ZIMMediaMessage * _Nonnull message, unsigned long long currentFileSize, unsigned long long totalFileSize) {
// Developers can listen to this callback to get the multimedia upload progress
[[ZIM getInstance] sendMediaMessage:imageMessage
callback:^(ZIMMessage * _Nonnull message, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo){
// Message Send Result
2.18.0 upgrade guide
Starting from version 2.18.0, the following interfaces have undergone significant changes. Therefore, when upgrading from an older version to version 2.16.0, please read the following guidelines.
Callback on receiving one-to-one messages
The deprecated callback receivePeerMessage
for receiving one-to-one messages has been replaced by peerMessageReceived.
The new callback supports the following features:
- When a user is online, they can receive one-to-one messages through this callback.
- When a user logs back into the ZIM SDK, they can receive all one-to-one messages received during their offline period (up to 7 days).
// New callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
peerMessageReceived:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
info:(ZIMMessageReceivedInfo *)info
fromUserID:(NSString *)fromUserID;
// Old callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
receivePeerMessage:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
fromUserID:(NSString *)fromUserID;
Callback on receiving room messages
The deprecated callback receiveRoomMessage
for receiving room messages has been replaced by roomMessageReceived.
The new callback supports the following features:
- When a user is online, they can receive online room messages through this callback.
- When a user goes from offline to online and is still in the room, they can receive all room messages that were sent during their offline period through this callback.
// New callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
roomMessageReceived:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
info:(ZIMMessageReceivedInfo *)info
fromRoomID:(NSString *)fromRoomID;
// Old callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
receiveRoomMessage:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
fromRoomID:(NSString *)fromRoomID;
Callback on receiving group messages
The deprecated callback receiveGroupMessage
for receiving group messages has been replaced by groupMessageReceived.
The new callback supports the following features:
- When the user is online, they can receive online group messages through this callback.
- When the user logs back into the ZIM SDK, they can receive all group chat messages received during the offline period (up to 7 days) through this callback.
// New callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
groupMessageReceived:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
info:(ZIMMessageReceivedInfo *)info
fromGroupID:(NSString *)fromGroupID;
// Old callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
receiveGroupMessage:(NSArray<ZIMMessage *> *)messageList
fromGroupID:(NSString *)fromGroupID;
2.16.0 upgrade guide
Starting from version 2.16.0, the following interfaces have undergone significant changes. Therefore, when upgrading from an older version to version 2.16.0, please read the following guidelines.
The following changes only apply to Advanced Mode call invitations.
In the new version of callCancelWithInvitees, if the parameter userIDs contains a userID, the interface will only cancel the invitation for that callee. If the userIDs parameter is empty, the interface will cancel the invitation for all callees.
For the old version of the callCancelWithInvitees
interface, regardless of whether the userIDs parameter is empty or not, it is considered as canceling the invitation for all callees.
Since the old version of the ZIM SDK is not compatible with individual cancellation logic, if you need to retain the cancellation logic implemented using the old version of ZIM while also using the new version's individual cancellation feature, please isolate the call functionality between the old and new versions of ZIM.
ZIMCallCancelConfig *cancelConfig = [[ZIMCallCancelConfig alloc] init];
// Cancel userIdA and userIdB individually
[[ZIM getInstance] callCancelWithInvitees:@[@"userIdA",@"userIdB"] callID:@"callId" config:cancelConfig callback:^(NSString * _Nonnull callID, NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull errorInvitees, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
// Cancel the entire call invitation, can be called successfully when none of the callees in the call have accepted
[[ZIM getInstance] callCancelWithInvitees:@[] callID:@"callId" config:cancelConfig callback:^(NSString * _Nonnull callID, NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull errorInvitees, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
ZIMCallCancelConfig *cancelConfig = [[ZIMCallCancelConfig alloc] init];
// Regardless of whether the userID is passed in the userIDs array, it cancels the entire call, can be called successfully when none of the callees in the call have accepted
[[ZIM getInstance] callCancelWithInvitees:@[@"userIdA",@"userIdB"] callID:@"callId" config:cancelConfig callback:^(NSString * _Nonnull callID, NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull errorInvitees, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
// Cancel the entire call invitation, can be called successfully when none of the callees in the call have accepted
[[ZIM getInstance] callCancelWithInvitees:@[] callID:@"callId" config:cancelConfig callback:^(NSString * _Nonnull callID, NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull errorInvitees, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
2.5.0 upgrade guide
In-app Chat SDK has optimized the naming of Swift Language API methods in version 2.5.0, so when upgrading from an older version to version 2.5.0, you will need to read the changes listed below.
// old interface
open class func getInstance() -> ZIM
// new interface
open class func shared() -> ZIM?
// old interface
open class func create(with config: ZIMAppConfig) -> ZIM
// new interface
open class func create(with config: ZIMAppConfig) -> ZIM?
// old interface
open class func setAdvancedConfigWithKey(_ key: String, value: String)
// new interface
open class func setAdvancedConfig(key: String, value: String)
// old interface
open func uploadLog(_ callback: @escaping ZIMLogUploadedCallback)
// new interface
open func uploadLog(with callback: @escaping ZIMLogUploadedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryUsersInfo(_ userIDs: [String], config: ZIMUsersInfoQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMUsersInfoQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryUsersInfo(by userIDs: [String], config: ZIMUsersInfoQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMUsersInfoQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func deleteConversation(_ conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMConversationDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMConversationDeletedCallback)
// new interface
open func deleteConversation(by conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMConversationDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMConversationDeletedCallback)
// old interface
open func clearConversationUnreadMessageCount(_ conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, callback: @escaping ZIMConversationUnreadMessageCountClearedCallback)
// new interface
open func clearConversationUnreadMessageCount(for conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, callback: @escaping ZIMConversationUnreadMessageCountClearedCallback)
send (send normal message)
// old interface
open func send(_ message: ZIMMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, notification: ZIMMessageSendNotification?, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
// new interface
open func sendMessage(_ message: ZIMMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, notification: ZIMMessageSendNotification?, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
send (the interface for sending rich media messages in the old version, which has been deprecated since version 2.4.0)
// old interface
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Deprecated since ZIM 2.4.0, please use another [sendMediaMessage] instead")
open func send(_ message: ZIMMediaMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, progress: @escaping ZIMMediaUploadingProgress, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
// new interface
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Deprecated since ZIM 2.4.0, please use another [sendMediaMessage] instead")
open func sendMediaMessage(_ message: ZIMMediaMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, progress: @escaping ZIMMediaUploadingProgress, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
send (new version sends rich media message interface, version 2.4.0 or above is available)
// old interface
open func send(_ message: ZIMMediaMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, notification: ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification?, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
// new interface
open func sendMediaMessage(_ message: ZIMMediaMessage, toConversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageSendConfig, notification: ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification?, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageSentCallback)
// old interface
open func queryHistoryMessage(byConversationID conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryHistoryMessage(by conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func deleteAllMessage(byConversationID conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageDeletedCallback)
// new interface
open func deleteAllMessage(by conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageDeletedCallback)
// old interface
open func delete(_ messageList: [ZIMMessage], conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageDeletedCallback)
// new interface
open func deleteMessages(_ messageList: [ZIMMessage], conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, config: ZIMMessageDeleteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageDeletedCallback)
// old interface
open func insertMessage(toLocalDB message: ZIMMessage, conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, senderUserID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageInsertedCallback)
// new interface
open func insertMessageToLocalDB(_ message: ZIMMessage, conversationID: String, conversationType: ZIMConversationType, senderUserID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMMessageInsertedCallback)
createRoom (create and join a room)
// old interface
open func createRoom(_ roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomCreatedCallback)
// new interface
open func createRoom(with roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomCreatedCallback)
createRoom (create a room with advanced settings)
// old interface
open func createRoom(_ roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, config: ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomCreatedCallback)
// new interface
open func createRoom(with roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, config: ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomCreatedCallback)
// old interface
open func joinRoom(_ roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomJoinedCallback)
// new interface
open func joinRoom(by roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomJoinedCallback)
// old interface
open func enterRoom(_ roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, config: ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig?, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomEnteredCallback)
// new interface
open func enterRoom(with roomInfo: ZIMRoomInfo, config: ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig?, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomEnteredCallback)
// old interface
open func leaveRoom(_ roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomLeftCallback)
// new interface
open func leaveRoom(by roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomLeftCallback)
// old interface
open func queryRoomMemberList(byRoomID roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomMemberQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMemberQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryRoomMemberList(by roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomMemberQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMemberQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryRoomOnlineMemberCount(byRoomID roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomOnlineMemberCountQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryRoomOnlineMemberCount(by roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomOnlineMemberCountQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func beginRoomAttributesBatchOperation(withRoomID roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperationConfig?)
// new interface
open func beginRoomAttributesBatchOperation(with roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperationConfig?)
// old interface
open func endRoomAttributesBatchOperation(withRoomID roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperatedCallback)
// new interface
open func endRoomAttributesBatchOperation(with roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperatedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryRoomAllAttributes(byRoomID roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomAttributesQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryRoomAllAttributes(by roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomAttributesQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryRoomMembersAttributes(byUserIDs userIDs: [String], roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMembersAttributesQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryRoomMembersAttributes(by userIDs: [String], roomID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMembersAttributesQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryRoomMemberAttributesList(byRoomID roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomMemberAttributesQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMemberAttributesListQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryRoomMemberAttributesList(by roomID: String, config: ZIMRoomMemberAttributesQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMRoomMemberAttributesListQueriedCallback)
createGroup (create and join a group)
// old interface
open func createGroup(_ groupInfo: ZIMGroupInfo, userIDs: [String], callback: @escaping ZIMGroupCreatedCallback)
// new interface
open func createGroup(with groupInfo: ZIMGroupInfo, userIDs: [String], callback: @escaping ZIMGroupCreatedCallback)
createGroup (create and join a group with group attributes)
// old interface
open func createGroup(_ groupInfo: ZIMGroupInfo, userIDs: [String], config: ZIMGroupAdvancedConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupCreatedCallback)
// new interface
open func createGroup(with groupInfo: ZIMGroupInfo, userIDs: [String], config: ZIMGroupAdvancedConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupCreatedCallback)
// old interface
open func dismissGroup(_ groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupDismissedCallback)
// new interface
open func dismissGroup(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupDismissedCallback)
// old interface
open func joinGroup(_ groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupJoinedCallback)
// new interface
open func joinGroup(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupJoinedCallback)
// old interface
open func leaveGroup(_ groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupLeftCallback)
// new interface
open func leaveGroup(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupLeftCallback)
// old interface
open func inviteUsers(intoGroup userIDs: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupUsersInvitedCallback)
// new interface
open func inviteUsersIntoGroup(with userIDs: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupUsersInvitedCallback)
// old interface
open func kickGroupMembers(_ userIDs: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberKickedCallback)
// new interface
open func kickGroupMembers(by userIDs: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberKickedCallback)
// old interface
open func transferGroupOwner(toUserID: String, groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredCallback)
// new interface
open func transferGroupOwner(to toUserID: String, groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupInfo(byGroupID groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupInfoQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupInfo(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupInfoQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func deleteGroupAttributes(byKeys keys: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesOperatedCallback)
// new interface
open func deleteGroupAttributes(by keys: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesOperatedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupAttributes(byKeys keys: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupAttributes(by keys: [String], groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupAllAttributes(byGroupID groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupAllAttributes(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupAttributesQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupMemberInfo(byUserID userID: String, groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberInfoQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupMemberInfo(by userID: String, groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberInfoQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupMemberList(byGroupID groupID: String, config: ZIMGroupMemberQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberListQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupMemberList(by groupID: String, config: ZIMGroupMemberQueryConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberListQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func queryGroupMemberCount(byGroupID groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberCountQueriedCallback)
// new interface
open func queryGroupMemberCount(by groupID: String, callback: @escaping ZIMGroupMemberCountQueriedCallback)
// old interface
open func callInvite(withInvitees invitees: [String], config: ZIMCallInviteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback)
// new interface
open func callInvite(with invitees: [String], config: ZIMCallInviteConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallInvitationSentCallback)
// old interface
open func callCancel(withInvitees invitees: [String], callID: String, config: ZIMCallCancelConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallCancelSentCallback)
// new interface
open func callCancel(with invitees: [String], callID: String, config: ZIMCallCancelConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallCancelSentCallback)
// old interface
open func callAccept(withCallID callID: String, config: ZIMCallAcceptConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallAcceptanceSentCallback)
// new interface
open func callAccept(with callID: String, config: ZIMCallAcceptConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallAcceptanceSentCallback)
// old interface
open func callReject(withCallID callID: String, config: ZIMCallRejectConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallRejectionSentCallback)
// new interface
open func callReject(with callID: String, config: ZIMCallRejectConfig, callback: @escaping ZIMCallRejectionSentCallback)