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Mark conversations


When users need to focus on a conversation or can not deal with a conversation at the moment, you can mark the conversation for later processing, such as "starring a conversation," "collapsing a conversation," "hiding a conversation," "marking a conversation as unread," etc. You can achieve this by calling the setConversationMark interface.


When a user marks a conversation, the SDK simply records the mark value of the conversation without changing the underlying logic of the conversation.


Set conversation marks

ZIM supports you in implementing conversation marking operations using either client API or server API.

Client API

1 Listen for conversationChanged

After a user logs into the ZIM SDK, they can register to listen for the conversationChanged callback interface via setEventHandler, to receive notifications of changes in conversation markings.

When the conversation marks are changed, all of the user's online devices will receive a conversationChanged event notification. From this, the current marks of the conversation can be obtained from the conversation.marks field.

// Register the SDK event notification callback
[self.zim setEventHandler:self];

// Implement the SDK event notification callback
- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim
conversationChanged:(NSArray<ZIMConversationChangeInfo *> *)conversationChangeInfoList{    
    for(ZIMConversationChangeInfo *changeInfo in conversationChangeInfoList){
        // The full set of markings for the conversation can be obtained from changeInfo.conversation.marks

2 Set or cancel marks

You simply need to call the setConversationMark interface to set or cancel marks for up to 100 conversations (only supports one-on-one chats or group chats). Each conversation can have up to 20 marks.

  • Each user can mark up to 1000 conversations. When the mark limit is reached, the handling logic varies across different ZIM SDK versions as follows:
    • SDK Version ≥ 2.19.0: Users can continue marking new conversations, and ZIM will automatically cancel the earliest marked conversation.
    • SDK Version < 2.19.0: Marking a conversation will trigger an error. The user must manually cancel previous marks before adding new ones.
  • The maximum number of marks allowed for a single conversation is specified differently across ZIM SDK versions:
    • SDK Version ≥ 2.19.0: Up to 30 marks.
    • SDK Version < 2.19.0: Up to 20 marks.
// For example, setting a mark with type 1 for a group chat conversation
NSNumber *markType = @(1);
BOOL enable = YES;
ZIMConversationBaseInfo *conversationInfo = [[ZIMConversationBaseInfo alloc] init];
conversationInfo.conversationID = @"GroupConv";
conversationInfo.conversationType = ZIMConversationTypeGroup;

[[ZIM getInstance] setConversationMark:markType enable:enable conversationInfos:@[conversationInfo] callback:^(NSArray<ZIMConversationBaseInfo *> * _Nonnull failedConversationInfos, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
    if (errorInfo.code == ZIMErrorCodeSuccess) {
        // Operation succesdful
        // Note: Even if part of the operation is successful and part is failed, the errorCode will still be Success, and failedConversationInfos will return the conversations where the operation failed
    } else {
        // Logic when all operations on all conversations fail

Server API

Developers can set or cancel conversation marks for multiple users in batches by calling the server-side API. For details, please refer to the server API documentation Mark Conversations.

Query conversation list by marks

When calling the queryConversationListWithConfig interface, pass in a mark list by ZIMConversationFilterOption.marks, and you can use the marks as filters to get a conversation list.

  • The conversation mark list ZIMConversationFilterOption.marks only supports integers in the range [1, 20]:
    • If the list contains -1, the query result will be all marked conversations;
    • If the list contains 0, the query result will be all conversations without any marks;
    • If multiple marks are passed, the query result will be the union of all the passed marks;
    • If the list is empty, the query result will be all conversations.
  • Only one-on-one conversations and group conversations are queried.

Additionally, if you need to consider whether there are unread messages in the conversation during the query, simply pass isOnlyUnreadConversation as YES when calling the queryConversationListWithConfig interface.

// For example, querying the list of group chat conversations that have a mark of 1 and contain unread messages
ZIMConversationQueryConfig *config = [[ZIMConversationQueryConfig alloc] init];
config.count = 100;
config.nextConversation = nil; // Set to nil for the first query, and for subsequent paginated queries, pass in the last conversation in the returned list

ZIMConversationFilterOption *option = [[ZIMConversationFilterOption alloc] init];
option.marks = @[@(1)];
option.conversationTypes = @[@(ZIMConversationTypeGroup)];
option.isOnlyUnreadConversation = YES; // Here, specify whether to only query conversations with unread messages. The default is NO, and the query does not consider whether there are unread messages in the conversation

[zim queryConversationListWithConfig:config
                                callback:^(NSArray<ZIMConversation *> *conversationList, ZIMError *errorInfo) {
    if (errorInfo.code == ZIMErrorCodeSuccess) {
        // Handling for successful query
    } else {
        // Handling for failed query

Query total unread Message count by marks

Call the queryConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountWithConfig interface and pass in the conversation mark list through ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueryConfig.marks to query the total number of unread messages for conversations marked accordingly.

  • The rule for calculating the total number of unread messages here is consistent with the conversationTotalUnreadMessageCountUpdated event, which means that if there is a conversation which meets the requirements and has been muted, the unread count of this conversation will not be included in the total unread count queried here.
  • The conversation mark list (ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueryConfig.marks) only supports integers in the range [1, 20]:
    • If the list contains -1, the query result will be for all marked conversations;
    • If the list contains 0, the query result will be for all conversations without any marks;
    • If multiple marks are passed, the query result will be the union of all the passed marks;
    • If the list is empty, the query result will be for all conversations.
  • Only one-on-one conversations and group conversations are queried.
// For example, querying the total number of unread messages for group conversations marked with 1
ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueryConfig *config = [[ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueryConfig alloc] init];
config.marks = @[@(1)]; // Fill in the marks you want to query here
config.conversationTypes = @[@(ZIMConversationTypeGroup)]; // Fill in the conversation types you want to query here. If the list is empty, both one-on-one and group conversations will be queried.

[[ZIM getInstance] queryConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountWithConfig:config callback:^(unsigned int unreadMessageCount, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
    if (errorInfo.code == ZIMErrorCodeSUCCESS) {
        // Logic for successful query
    } else {
        // Logic for failed query


Query a conversation


Set conversation draft