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Send & Receive messages


This document is applicable to the following platforms of Unity framework: iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows.

ZEGOCLOUD's In-app Chat (the ZIM SDK) provides the capability of message management, allowing you to send and receive one-to-one, group, in-room messages, query message history, delete messages, and more. With the message management feature, you can meet different requirements of various scenarios such as social entertainment, online shopping, online education, interactive live streaming, and more.

This document describes how to send and receive messages with the ZIM SDK.

Message types

Currently, the ZIM SDK supports the following message types:

Message TypeDescriptionFeatures and Applicable Scenarios
ZIMCommandMessage(2)A signaling message with custom data content defined by the developer. The message size does not exceed 5 KB, and the sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second.

Non-storable, supports higher concurrency; generally used for signaling transmission within rooms such as "voice chat rooms" and "online classrooms," such as muting/unmuting, sending gifts, and transmitting online class materials.

Relevant interfaces: SendMessage

ZIMBarrageMessage(20)Bullet screen text message in a room. The message size does not exceed 5 KB, and there is no limit on the sending frequency per client.

Non-storable, specifically used for high-frequency, unreliable, and drop-allowable messages within rooms. It is generally used for sending "bullet screen messages" in scenarios.

Supports high concurrency but is unreliable, and does not guarantee message delivery.

Relevant interfaces: SendMessage

ZIMTextMessage(1)Text message. The message size does not exceed 32 KB, and the sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second.

Messages are reliable and ordered, and can be stored as historical messages (for storage duration, please refer to the "History Message Storage Duration" in Pricing - Plan Differences). It can be used in instant messaging scenarios such as one-on-one chats, rooms, and group chats. After a room is dissolved, "room chat" messages are not stored.

  • Images, files, audio, video: Typically used for sending rich media file-type messages.
  • Custom messages: Typically used for sending messages like polls, chain messages, video cards, etc.

Relevant interfaces: SendMessage, SendMediaMessage

ZIMImageMessage(11)Image message. Supports mainstream image formats, including JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WebP. The size does not exceed 10 MB, and the sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second.
ZIMFileMessage(12)File message. The message content is a file with no format restrictions. The size does not exceed 100 MB, and the sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second.
ZIMAudioMessage(13)Audio message. Supports MP3 and M4A audio formats. The duration does not exceed 300 seconds, and the size does not exceed 6 MB. The sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second.
ZIMVideoMessage(14)Video message. Supports MP4 and MOV video formats. The size does not exceed 100 MB, and the sending frequency per client is limited to 10 times per second. Only video files encoded with H264 or H265 video codecs support retrieving the width and height information of the first frame after successful message sending.
ZIMCustomMessage(200)Custom message. Developers can define the type of custom message and handle message parsing. The ZIM SDK does not define or parse the specific content of custom messages.

Message types

Send/Receive regular messages

Regular messages refer to the messages of the following message types: ZIMTextMessage and ZIMBarrageMessage.

  • When receiving messages, you need to determine whether the message is a Text message (ZIMTextMessage) or a Command message (ZIMCommandMessage) because these two message types are based on the basic message class (ZIMMessage). You need to convert the basic message class to a concrete message type and then retrieve the message content from the message field.
  • When a message is received, it can be sorted using the message's orderKey. The larger the orderKey, the newer the message. And the number of unread messages will be updated automatically upon receiving.

Send/Receive messages

The following process shows how Client A sends messages to Client B:

  1. Client A and Client B create their own ZIM SDK instances, and listen for the callback on the result of message sending OnReceivePeerMessage.
  2. Client A and Client B log in to the ZIM SDK.
  3. Client A calls the SendMessage method, and set the converversationType to ConversationType.Peer to send a one-to-one message to Client B.
  4. Client B listens for the OnReceivePeerMessage callback to receive Client A's messages.

Currently, the ZIM SDK has the following restrictions for the SendMessage method:

  • Do not send messages to oneself: that is, toConversationID cannot be set to the caller's own user ID.
  • Do not sending blank messages: the message content cannot be empty or blank. When either of the above two cases occurs, the ZIM SDK will return error 6000001, indicating that the input parameters are incorrect.

Send messages

// 1. Create ZIM object and pass in appID and appSign
ZIMAppConfig appConfig = new ZIMAppConfig();
appConfig.appID = 12345;  // Replace with the AppID you obtained from the ZEGO console, for more details, please refer to Console - Project Information.
appConfig.appSign = "appSign";   // Replace with the AppSign you obtained from the ZEGO console, for more details, please refer to Console - Project Information.

// 2. Set callback for receiving one-on-one chat messages
ZIM.GetInstance().onReceivePeerMessage = (ZIM zim,
                    List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                    string fromUserID) =>{ };

// 3. Login
ZIMUserInfo zimUserInfo = new ZIMUserInfo();
zimUserInfo.userID = "xxxx";
zimUserInfo.userName = "xxxx";
ZIM.GetInstance().Login(zimUserInfo, (ZIMError errorInfo) =>
        // Developers can determine whether the login is successful based on ZIMError.

string toConversationID = "xxxx1";

ZIMTextMessage zimMessage = new ZIMTextMessage();
zimMessage.message = "Message content";

ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
// Set message priority
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.Low;
// Set offline push configuration for the message
ZIMPushConfig pushConfig = new ZIMPushConfig();
pushConfig.title = "Offline push title";
pushConfig.content = "Offline push content";
pushConfig.payload = "Offline push extra information";
config.pushConfig = pushConfig;

// 4. Set conversation type for sending messages
// Send one-on-one chat messages
ZIMConversationType peerType = ZIMConversationType.Peer;

// Send group chat messages
// ZIMConversationType groupType = ZIMConversationType.Group;

// Send room chat messages
// ZIMConversationType roomType = ZIMConversationType.Room;

ZIMMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMessageSendNotification();

// 5. Send message
ZIM.GetInstance().SendMessage(zimMessage, toConversationID, peerType, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) =>
    // Developers can use this callback to listen for successful message sending.

ZIM.GetInstance().onMessageSentStatusChanged = (
    ZIM zim,
    List<ZIMMessageSentStatusChangeInfo> messageSentStatusChangeInfoList) =>
    // Developers can use this notification to listen for successful message sending.

Receive messages

ZIM.GetInstance().onReceivePeerMessage = (ZIM zim,
                            List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                            string fromUserID) =>
    // Received one-on-one chat messages

ZIM.GetInstance().onReceiveRoomMessage = (ZIM zim,
                            List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                            string fromRoomID) =>
    // Received room chat messages

ZIM.GetInstance().onReceiveGroupMessage = (ZIM zim,
                            List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                            string fromGroupID) =>
    // Received group chat messages

Send/Receive rich media content

The ZIM SDK now supports sending and receiving messages of different rich media types, such as images, audio, video, and files. To send and receive rich media content, refer to the following:

  1. To send rich media content after login, you will need to specify the message type (image, file, audio, video) first and then the session type (one-on-one chat, room chat, group chat).
  2. For a receiver to receive and download the rich media content, set up and listen for related event callbacks based on the session type (one-on-one chat, room chat, group chat) after logging in.

Send rich media content

To send rich media content after login, call the SendMediaMessage method, and specify the message type (image, file, audio, video), the session type (one-on-one chat, room chat, group chat), and message related configurations as needed.

  • When sending rich media content, the file path to be sent must be in UTF-8 encoding format.
  • To send rich media content to a room/group, the sender must be in the room/group.
Sample code - Sending image message
// Example of sending rich media message - Sending image message in one-on-one chat
ZIMImageMessage message = new ZIMImageMessage("/picture/xxx.jpg");
// If a network URL is filled in here, the SDK will pass the URL directly and bypass the ZIM backend service. If both a network URL and a local path are filled in, the SDK will prioritize the network URL.
bool isUsingUrl = false;

if(isUsingUrl == true)
    message.largeImageDownloadUrl = "url";
    message.fileDownloadUrl = "url";
    message.thumbnailDownloadUrl = "url";
ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
// Set message priority
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.Low;
// Set offline push configuration for the message
ZIMPushConfig pushConfig = new ZIMPushConfig();
pushConfig.title = "Offline push title";
pushConfig.content = "Offline push content";
pushConfig.payload = "Offline push extra information";
config.pushConfig = pushConfig;
ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification();
notification.onMessageAttached = (ZIMMessage message) => { };
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = (ZIMMessage message,
    ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) => { };
ZIM.GetInstance().SendMediaMessage(message, "toConversationID", ZIMConversationType.Peer, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) =>

Sample code - Sending file message
// Example of sending rich media message - Sending file message in one-on-one chat
ZIMFileMessage message = new ZIMFileMessage("/picture/xxx.zip");
// If a network URL is filled in here, the SDK will pass the URL directly and bypass the ZIM backend service. If both a network URL and a local path are filled in, the SDK will prioritize the network URL.
bool isUsingUrl = false;
if(isUsingUrl == true)
    message.fileDownloadUrl = "url";
ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.High;
ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification();
notification.onMessageAttached = (ZIMMessage message) => { };
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = (ZIMMessage message,
    ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) => { };

ZIM.GetInstance().SendMediaMessage(message, "conversationID", ZIMConversationType.Peer, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => { });
Sample code - Sending audio message
// Example of sending rich media message - Sending audio message in one-on-one chat
ZIMAudioMessage message = new ZIMAudioMessage("/picture/xxx.mp3", 300); // The 300 here is just an example, the unit is in seconds.
// If a network URL is filled in here, the SDK will pass the URL directly and bypass the ZIM backend service. If both a network URL and a local path are filled in, the SDK will prioritize the network URL.
bool isUsingUrl = false;
if(isUsingUrl == true)
    message.fileDownloadUrl = "url";
ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.High;
ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification();
notification.onMessageAttached = (ZIMMessage message) => { };
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = (ZIMMessage message,
    ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) => { };

ZIM.GetInstance().SendMediaMessage(message, "conversationID", 
    ZIMConversationType.Peer, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => { });
Sample code - Sending video message
// Example of sending rich media message - Sending video message in one-on-one chat
ZIMVideoMessage message = new ZIMVideoMessage("/picture/xxx.mp4", 300); // The unit here is in seconds.
// If a network URL is filled in here, the SDK will pass the URL directly and bypass the ZIM backend service. If both a network URL and a local path are filled in, the SDK will prioritize the network URL.
bool isUsingUrl = false;
if(isUsingUrl == true)
    message.fileDownloadUrl = "url";
    message.videoFirstFrameDownloadUrl = "url";
ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.High;
ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification();
notification.onMessageAttached = (ZIMMessage message) => { };
notification.onMediaUploadingProgress = (ZIMMessage message,
    ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) => { };

ZIM.GetInstance().SendMediaMessage(message, "conversationID", 
    ZIMConversationType.Peer, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => { });

Callback for the sending progress of rich media content

You will be notified of the sending progress of rich media content through the callback ZIMMediaUploadingProgress .

Among which:

  • message: The content of the message being sent.
  • currentFileSiz: The size of the message that has been sent.
  • totalFileSize: The overall size of the message sent.

Receive rich media content

To receive the rich media content messages, do the following:

  1. Listen for the following callbacks based on the session type (one-on-one chat, room chat, group chat): OnReceivePeerMessage, OnReceiveRoomMessage, OnReceiveGroupMessage.
  2. Call the DownloadMediaFile method to download the rich media content.

When downloading rich media content, you need to specify the file type of the corresponding media messages first.

  • Image messages: You can choose to download the original file, large view, or thumbnail.
  • Files/Audio messages: Only original files/audio files can be downloaded.
  • Video messages: You can choose to download the original video file and the thumbnail of the first frame of the video.

Sample code

// Example of receiving rich media message - Receiving rich media message in one-on-one chat
ZIM.GetInstance().onReceivePeerMessage = (ZIM zim,
                                 List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                                 string fromUserID) =>
            foreach(var message in messageList)
                if(message.type == ZIMMessageType.Image)
                    ZIMImageMessage imageMessage = message as ZIMImageMessage;
                    ZIM.GetInstance().DownloadMediaFile(imageMessage, ZIMMediaFileType.OriginalFile, (ZIMMediaMessage message,
                           ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) =>
                    // Download progress callback
                    (ZIMMediaMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => {
                    // Download completion callback
                }else if (message.type == ZIMMessageType.Video)
                    ZIMVideoMessage videoMessage = message as ZIMVideoMessage;
                    // Choose the type of download through ZIMMediaFileType, such as the video source file or the first frame of the video
                    ZIMMediaFileType fileType = ZIMMediaFileType.VideoFirstFrame;
                    ZIM.GetInstance().DownloadMediaFile(videoMessage, fileType, (ZIMMediaMessage message,
                           ulong currentFileSize, ulong totalFileSize) =>
                        // Download progress callback
                    (ZIMMediaMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => {
                        // Download completion callback

Callback for the downloading progress of rich media content

You will be notified of the downloading progress of rich media content through the callback ZIMMediaDownloadingProgress.

Among which:

  • message: The message content you are downloading.
  • currentFileSize: The size of messages that have been downloaded.
  • totalFileSize: The overall size of the download message.

Send & Receive signaling messages

ZIM SDK supports developers to implement sending and receiving signaling messages. Developers can define their own message types, such as location messages, using the ZIMCommandMessage object.


This message type does not support offline push and local storage.

Here is an example of sending a signaling message to a specific user.

Send signaling messages

Sample code

// Sending a signaling message to a specific user
// 4. Send a signaling message
string userID = "xxxx";

ZIMCommandMessage customMessage = new ZIMCommandMessage();
customMessage.message = new byte[] { 0x1, 0x2, 0x1, 0x2 };

ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
// Set the message priority
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.Low;
// Offline push configuration for messages is not supported in rooms. If you need to send offline messages, please contact ZEGO technical support to enable the relevant permissions.

// Send one-on-one chat messages
ZIMConversationType peerType = ZIMConversationType.Peer;

// Send group chat messages
// ZIMConversationType groupType = ZIMConversationType.Group;

// Send room messages
// ZIMConversationType roomType = ZIMConversationType.Room;

ZIMMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMessageSendNotification();
notification.onMessageAttached = (ZIMMessage message) => { };
    "toConversationID", peerType, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) => { });

Receive signaling messages

Sample code

// User receives signaling messages
ZIM.GetInstance().onReceivePeerMessage = (ZIM zim,
                        List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                        string fromUserID) =>
    foreach(var message in messageList)
        if (message.type == ZIMMessageType.Command)
            ZIMCommandMessage commandMessage = (ZIMCommandMessage)message;

Send/Receive custom messages

The ZIM SDK now supports you to send and receive custom messages. To do that, you can call the ZIMCustomMessage to define the message type you want to send, for example, your location information.

The following shows how to send custom messages to a specified user.

  • Only ZIM SDK version 2.8.0 and above support sending and receiving custom message types.
  • If the SDK version of the receiving end is between [2.0.0, 2.8.0), it can receive custom messages, but the message type will be displayed as unknown and the message content cannot be obtained. If you need to retrieve this message, please upgrade the SDK to version 2.8.0 or above.
  • If the SDK version of the receiving end is version 1.x.x, it cannot receive custom messages and will not receive unknown messages.

Send custom messages

Sample code

The interface used to send custom messages is SendMessage, and it uses theZIMCustomMessage object to define custom message types,

Here is an example code for sending custom messages in a one-on-one chat conversation:

// Send custom message to a specific user in a one-on-one chat conversation

// 1. Create ZIM object, pass in appID, appSign, and Application in Android
// Please refer to the relevant code in the previous section "Send Messages" for specific code.

// 2. Log in
// Please refer to the relevant code in the previous section "Send Messages" for specific code.

// 3. Send custom message
// Specify the user ID
string userID = "xxxx";

// The text content of the custom message
string message = "";

// The specific custom type
int subType = 100;

// The search field for the custom message
string searchedContent = "";

ZIMCustomMessage zimCustomMessage = new ZIMCustomMessage(message, subType);

// Advanced configuration for sending messages
ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
// Set the message priority
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.LOW;

// Send a one-on-one chat message
ZIMConversationType type = ZIMConversationType.Peer;

// Send a group chat message
// ZIMConversationType type = ZIMConversationType.Group;

// Send a room message
// ZIMConversationType type = ZIMConversationType.Room;

ZIMMessageSendNotification notification = new ZIMMessageSendNotification();
ZIM.GetInstance().SendMessage(zimCustomMessage, toConversationID, type, config, notification, (ZIMMessage message, ZIMError errorInfo) =>
    // Developers can use this callback to listen for whether the message is sent successfully.

ZIM.GetInstance().onMessageSentStatusChanged = (
    ZIM zim,
    List<ZIMMessageSentStatusChangeInfo> messageSentStatusChangeInfoList) =>
    // Developers can use this notification to listen for whether the message is sent successfully.

Receive custom messages

The callback interface for receiving custom messages is the same as the callback interface for receiving normal messages.

Here is an example code for receiving custom messages in a one-on-one chat conversation:

// User receives custom messages
ZIM.GetInstance().onReceivePeerMessage = (ZIM zim,
                        List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
                        string fromUserID) =>
    foreach(var message in messageList)
        if (message.type == ZIMMessageType.Custom)
            ZIMCustomMessage customMessage = (ZIMCustomMessage)message;

Listen for the message status

On a weak network condition, this may happen: the ZIM SDK doesn't receive the response from the server for some reason (e.g., packet loss), while the message is successfully sent. In this case, the ZIM SDK considers the message sending failed due to the reply timeout, but the message is actually sent successfully, which results in message status confusion. To solve this and Clarify the message status, the SDK 2.6.0 or later now allows you to listen for the OnMessageSentStatusChangedcallback to receive the changes of the message status. And we now have three different message statuses: Sending, Success, and Failed. You can know whether your message is sent successfully by the status, and implement your event handling logic as needed.

//  Listen for the message status 
 ZIM.GetInstance().onMessageSentStatusChanged = (
            ZIM zim,
            List<ZIMMessageSentStatusChangeInfo> messageSentStatusChangeInfoList) =>
                // You can listen for the callback on the changes of message status here.


Manage group members


Get message history