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Minimize audio room window

With only two simple steps, you can achieve the effect of minimizing the audio room window within the application. Ideally, the final effect will look like this:

Integrate the minimize function into the app

Display minimize button

To display the minimize button, configure the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig's topMenuBar, and add the ZegoLiveAudioRoomMenuBarButtonName.minimizingButton button to the top menu bar.

Configure the Overlay

To achieve the effect of minimizing the window, you need to use the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomMiniOverlayPage component and insert it into the Overlay of the app.

Prevent building multiple ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom

When you minimize the interface, if the button is not restricted, clicking the enter button again will enter the live audio room again. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to restrict the button.

Therefore, in the click event of the button, you need to handle it: if it is currently in a minimized state, do not carry out the page jump operation.

After completing the above two steps, you can now minimize the audio room window within the application.


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