Custom prebuilt features
Live Audio Room Kit (ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom) provides a set of default behaviors and styles. If those don't fully meet your needs, we allow you to flexibly do further customization or add your custom business logic.
After getting started, you may notice there is a ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig
when you integrate the Live Audio Room Kit, and this is exactly used for custom configuration.
Now, we support the following:
Set avatar images for your app users (otherwise, defaults to use the first letter of the username).
- Customize the seat layout.
- Set specified seats for roles in the live audio room accordingly.
- Customize your own business logic.
- Customize the audience's seat-taking logic.
Customize the background view of the live audio room.
The user attribute is in the format of key-value pairs, which are used to implement customized functions.
Add a confirmation dialog box to make a double confirmation.
Customize the internal components' UI text.
Remove the default buttons or add custom ones to the bottom menu bar.
Customize the text message list item.