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Call invitation configuration class

incomingCallRingtoneThe full MP3 file path of the ringtone resource for incoming calls.String
outgoingCallRingtoneThe full MP3 file path of the ringtone resource for outgoing calls.String
showDeclineButtonWhether to show the decline button.Bool
notifyWhenAppRunningInBackgroundOrQuitWhether to receive notifications when the app is running in the background.Bool
isSandboxEnvironmentWhether it is a sandbox environment.Bool
certificateIndexCertificate verification method.ZegoSignalingPluginMultiCertificate
translationTextText related to call invitations.ZegoTranslationText
videoConfigVideo resolution configuration, default value is ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig(resolution: .PRESET_360P).ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig
exitRoomWhenOnlySelfInGroupRoomWhen there is only one user left in the group, whether the user automatically exits the group. The default value is false, which means the user does not exit.Bool


Call configuration class

turnOnCameraWhenJoiningWhether to enable the camera by default when joining a call, default value is true.Bool
turnOnMicrophoneWhenJoiningWhether to enable the microphone by default when joining a call, default value is true.Bool
useSpeakerWhenJoiningWhether to use the speaker by default when joining a call, default value is true.Bool
audioVideoViewConfigConfiguration for audio and video views, such as microphone and camera status icons, whether to display usernames, sound wave effects, and video display modes.ZegoPrebuiltAudioVideoViewConfig
layoutConfiguration for the display layout of audio and video windows in the call page, including picture-in-picture layout and gallery layout.ZegoLayout
bottomMenuBarConfigConfiguration parameters for the bottom menu bar in the call page, such as buttons, button quantity limit, whether to auto-hide, whether to hide when clicking other areas, and color style.ZegoBottomMenuBarConfig
topMenuBarConfigConfiguration parameters for the top menu bar in the call page, such as button list, button quantity limit, whether to auto-hide, whether to hide when clicking other areas, and color style.ZegoTopMenuBarConfig
hangUpConfirmDialogInfoWhether to display the leave room dialog information when clicking the hang up button. If not set, it will not be displayed.ZegoLeaveConfirmDialogInfo
memberListConfigConfiguration for displaying the member list in the call, such as the camera and microphone status of each member.ZegoMemberListConfig
videoConfigVideo resolution configuration, default value is ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig(resolution: .PRESET_360P).ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig
showCallDurationWhether to display the call duration, default value is true.Bool
zegoCallTextCall-related text.ZegoCallText


View configuration class

showMicrophoneStateOnViewWhether to display the microphone state icon on the video call page. The default value is true.Bool
showCameraStateOnViewWhether to display the camera state icon on the video call page. The default value is true.Bool
showUserNameOnViewWhether to display the user name on the video call page. The default value is true.Bool
showSoundWavesInAudioModeWhether to display sound waves around the user avatar in audio call mode. The default value is true.Bool
useVideoViewAspectFillWhether to display the video in aspect fill mode (with black borders). The default value is true.Bool


Bottom menu bar configuration class

buttonsThe buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array. For Swift only The default value is [.toggleCameraButton, .switchCameraButton, .hangUpButton, .toggleMicrophoneButton, .swtichAudioOutputButton].[ZegoMenuBarButtonName]
buttonsOCThe buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array. For Objective-C only The default value is [.toggleCameraButton, .switchCameraButton, .hangUpButton, .toggleMicrophoneButton, .swtichAudioOutputButton].[ZegoMenuBarButtonName]
maxCountThe maximum number of buttons that can be displayed, up to 5. If this value is exceeded, a "More" button will be displayed. Note that this value includes the "More" button.Int
hideAutomaticallyWhether the bottom menu bar will automatically collapse if there is no operation on the screen within 5 seconds, or if the user clicks on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true.Bool
hideByClickWhether the user can collapse the menu bar by clicking on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true.Bool
styleThe display color of the menu bar. The default value is ZegoMenuBarStyle.dark.ZegoMenuBarStyle
buttonConfigButton configuration for the bottom menu bar, which can be used to change the icon of the button.ZegoMenuBarButtonConfig


Top menu bar configuration class

buttonsThe buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array.[ZegoMenuBarButtonName]
hideAutomaticallyWhether the top menu bar will automatically collapse if there is no screen operation within 5 seconds or if the user clicks on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true.Bool
hideByClickWhether the user can collapse the menu bar by clicking on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true.Bool
styleThe display color of the menu bar. The default value is ZegoMenuBarStyle.dark.ZegoMenuBarStyle
isVisibleWhether the menu bar is visible. The default value is false.Bool
buttonConfigTop menu bar button configuration, use this configuration to change the icon of the button.ZegoMenuBarButtonConfig


Room member list configuration class

showMicrophoneStateWhether to show the microphone status icon. Default value is true.Bool
showCameraStateWhether to show the camera status icon. Default value is true.Bool


Menu bar button configuration class

toggleCameraOnImageIcon for the button when the camera is turned on.UIImage
toggleCameraOffImageIcon for the button when the camera is turned off.UIImage
toggleMicrophoneOnImageIcon for the button when the microphone is turned on.UIImage
toggleMicrophoneOffImageIcon for the button when the microphone is turned off.UIImage
hangUpButtonImageIcon for the hang up button.UIImage
switchCameraFrontImageIcon for the button to switch to the front camera.UIImage
switchCameraBackImageIcon for the button to switch to the back camera.UIImage
showMemberListButtonImageIcon for the button to show the member list.UIImage
chatButtonImageIcon for the chat button.UIImage
minimizingButtonImageIcon for the button to switch to the floating window during video call.UIImage
audioOutputSpeakerImageIcon for the speaker audio output state.UIImage
audioOutputEarSpeakerImageIcon for the ear speaker audio output state.UIImage
audioOutputBluetoothImageIcon for the Bluetooth audio output state.UIImage


Video resolution configuration class

resolutionCustom video resolution. Default is PRESET_360P.ZegoPresetResolution


Call page layout class

modeThe layout of the call page, including picture-in-picture layout and gallery layout.ZegoUIKitLayoutMode
configUI layout configuration.ZegoLayoutConfig


Call page layout configuration class. Please select the subclass ZegoLayoutPictureInPictureConfig or ZegoLayoutGalleryConfig to view based on the selected layout mode.


Picture-in-picture layout configuration class

isSmallViewDraggableWhether the small view can be dragged. Default is false.Bool
smallViewBackgroundColorBackground color of the small view. Default is #333437.UIColor
largeViewBackgroundColorBackground color of the large view. Default is #4A4B4D.UIColor
smallViewBackgroundImageBackground image of the small view. Default is null.UIImage
largeViewBackgroundImageBackground image of the large view. Default is null.UIImage
smallViewPostionPosition of the small view on the UI. Default is .topRight.ZegoViewPosition
switchLargeOrSmallViewByClickWhether the large and small views can be switched by clicking. Default is true.Bool
smallViewSizeSize of the small view. Default is CGSize(width: 95, height: 169).CGSize
spacingBetweenSmallViewsSpacing between small views. Default is 0.CGFloat
removeViewWhenAudioVideoUnavailableWhether to remove the view when audio and video are unavailable. Default is true.Bool


Gallery layout configuration class

addBorderRadiusAndSpacingBetweenViewWhether to add rounded corners and spacing between views. Default is true.Bool
removeViewWhenAudioVideoUnavailableWhether to remove the view when audio and video are unavailable. Default is false.Bool
showNewScreenSharingViewInFullscreenModeWhether to set full screen when entering screen sharing. Default is true.Bool
showScreenSharingFullscreenModeToggleButtonRulesDisplay rules for screen sharing full screen mode toggle button. Default is true.Bool


Leave confirmation dialog information configuration class

titleTitle text.String
messageConfirmation message text.String
cancelButtonNameCancel button text.String
confirmButtonNameConfirm button text.String
dialogPresentVCThe view controller where the leave live room confirmation dialog is displayed. By default, it is displayed in the current voice chat room.UIViewController


Menu bar themes enumeration.

lightLight theme.
darkDark theme.


Page layout modes enumeration.

pictureInPicturePicture-in-picture layout.
galleryGallery layout.
invalidInvalid value.


UI languages enumeration.

ENGLISHUIKit displays in English.
CHSUIKit displays in Chinese.


Menu bar button names enumeration.

hangUpButtonHang up button.
toggleCameraButtonToggle camera button.
toggleMicrophoneButtonToggle microphone button.
switchCameraButtonSwitch camera button.
switchAudioOutputButtonSwitch audio output button.
showMemberListButtonShow member list button.
chatButtonChat button.
minimizingButtonMinimizing button.


Certificate verification methods enumeration.

firstCertificateFirst certificate verification method.
secondCertificateSecond certificate verification method.


Video resolutions enumeration.



View positions enumeration.

topLeftTop left.
topRightTop right.
bottomLeftBottom left.
bottomRightBottom right.