Call invitation configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
incomingCallRingtone | The full MP3 file path of the ringtone resource for incoming calls. | String |
outgoingCallRingtone | The full MP3 file path of the ringtone resource for outgoing calls. | String |
showDeclineButton | Whether to show the decline button. | Bool |
notifyWhenAppRunningInBackgroundOrQuit | Whether to receive notifications when the app is running in the background. | Bool |
isSandboxEnvironment | Whether it is a sandbox environment. | Bool |
certificateIndex | Certificate verification method. | ZegoSignalingPluginMultiCertificate |
translationText | Text related to call invitations. | ZegoTranslationText |
videoConfig | Video resolution configuration, default value is ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig(resolution: .PRESET_360P). | ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig |
exitRoomWhenOnlySelfInGroupRoom | When there is only one user left in the group, whether the user automatically exits the group. The default value is false, which means the user does not exit. | Bool |
Call configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
turnOnCameraWhenJoining | Whether to enable the camera by default when joining a call, default value is true. | Bool |
turnOnMicrophoneWhenJoining | Whether to enable the microphone by default when joining a call, default value is true. | Bool |
useSpeakerWhenJoining | Whether to use the speaker by default when joining a call, default value is true. | Bool |
audioVideoViewConfig | Configuration for audio and video views, such as microphone and camera status icons, whether to display usernames, sound wave effects, and video display modes. | ZegoPrebuiltAudioVideoViewConfig |
layout | Configuration for the display layout of audio and video windows in the call page, including picture-in-picture layout and gallery layout. | ZegoLayout |
bottomMenuBarConfig | Configuration parameters for the bottom menu bar in the call page, such as buttons, button quantity limit, whether to auto-hide, whether to hide when clicking other areas, and color style. | ZegoBottomMenuBarConfig |
topMenuBarConfig | Configuration parameters for the top menu bar in the call page, such as button list, button quantity limit, whether to auto-hide, whether to hide when clicking other areas, and color style. | ZegoTopMenuBarConfig |
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo | Whether to display the leave room dialog information when clicking the hang up button. If not set, it will not be displayed. | ZegoLeaveConfirmDialogInfo |
memberListConfig | Configuration for displaying the member list in the call, such as the camera and microphone status of each member. | ZegoMemberListConfig |
videoConfig | Video resolution configuration, default value is ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig(resolution: .PRESET_360P). | ZegoPrebuiltCallVideoConfig |
showCallDuration | Whether to display the call duration, default value is true. | Bool |
zegoCallText | Call-related text. | ZegoCallText |
View configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
showMicrophoneStateOnView | Whether to display the microphone state icon on the video call page. The default value is true. | Bool |
showCameraStateOnView | Whether to display the camera state icon on the video call page. The default value is true. | Bool |
showUserNameOnView | Whether to display the user name on the video call page. The default value is true. | Bool |
showSoundWavesInAudioMode | Whether to display sound waves around the user avatar in audio call mode. The default value is true. | Bool |
useVideoViewAspectFill | Whether to display the video in aspect fill mode (with black borders). The default value is true. | Bool |
Bottom menu bar configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
buttons | The buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array. For Swift only The default value is [.toggleCameraButton, .switchCameraButton, .hangUpButton, .toggleMicrophoneButton, .swtichAudioOutputButton]. | [ZegoMenuBarButtonName] |
buttonsOC | The buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array. For Objective-C only The default value is [.toggleCameraButton, .switchCameraButton, .hangUpButton, .toggleMicrophoneButton, .swtichAudioOutputButton]. | [ZegoMenuBarButtonName] |
maxCount | The maximum number of buttons that can be displayed, up to 5. If this value is exceeded, a "More" button will be displayed. Note that this value includes the "More" button. | Int |
hideAutomatically | Whether the bottom menu bar will automatically collapse if there is no operation on the screen within 5 seconds, or if the user clicks on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true. | Bool |
hideByClick | Whether the user can collapse the menu bar by clicking on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true. | Bool |
style | The display color of the menu bar. The default value is ZegoMenuBarStyle.dark. | ZegoMenuBarStyle |
buttonConfig | Button configuration for the bottom menu bar, which can be used to change the icon of the button. | ZegoMenuBarButtonConfig |
Top menu bar configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
buttons | The buttons to be displayed on the menu bar, displayed in the order of the array. | [ZegoMenuBarButtonName] |
hideAutomatically | Whether the top menu bar will automatically collapse if there is no screen operation within 5 seconds or if the user clicks on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true. | Bool |
hideByClick | Whether the user can collapse the menu bar by clicking on a non-responsive area of the screen. The default value is true. | Bool |
style | The display color of the menu bar. The default value is ZegoMenuBarStyle.dark. | ZegoMenuBarStyle |
isVisible | Whether the menu bar is visible. The default value is false. | Bool |
buttonConfig | Top menu bar button configuration, use this configuration to change the icon of the button. | ZegoMenuBarButtonConfig |
Room member list configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
showMicrophoneState | Whether to show the microphone status icon. Default value is true. | Bool |
showCameraState | Whether to show the camera status icon. Default value is true. | Bool |
Menu bar button configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
toggleCameraOnImage | Icon for the button when the camera is turned on. | UIImage |
toggleCameraOffImage | Icon for the button when the camera is turned off. | UIImage |
toggleMicrophoneOnImage | Icon for the button when the microphone is turned on. | UIImage |
toggleMicrophoneOffImage | Icon for the button when the microphone is turned off. | UIImage |
hangUpButtonImage | Icon for the hang up button. | UIImage |
switchCameraFrontImage | Icon for the button to switch to the front camera. | UIImage |
switchCameraBackImage | Icon for the button to switch to the back camera. | UIImage |
showMemberListButtonImage | Icon for the button to show the member list. | UIImage |
chatButtonImage | Icon for the chat button. | UIImage |
minimizingButtonImage | Icon for the button to switch to the floating window during video call. | UIImage |
audioOutputSpeakerImage | Icon for the speaker audio output state. | UIImage |
audioOutputEarSpeakerImage | Icon for the ear speaker audio output state. | UIImage |
audioOutputBluetoothImage | Icon for the Bluetooth audio output state. | UIImage |
Video resolution configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
resolution | Custom video resolution. Default is PRESET_360P. | ZegoPresetResolution |
Call page layout class
Property | Description | Type |
mode | The layout of the call page, including picture-in-picture layout and gallery layout. | ZegoUIKitLayoutMode |
config | UI layout configuration. | ZegoLayoutConfig |
Call page layout configuration class. Please select the subclass ZegoLayoutPictureInPictureConfig or ZegoLayoutGalleryConfig to view based on the selected layout mode.
Picture-in-picture layout configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
isSmallViewDraggable | Whether the small view can be dragged. Default is false . | Bool |
smallViewBackgroundColor | Background color of the small view. Default is #333437 . | UIColor |
largeViewBackgroundColor | Background color of the large view. Default is #4A4B4D . | UIColor |
smallViewBackgroundImage | Background image of the small view. Default is null . | UIImage |
largeViewBackgroundImage | Background image of the large view. Default is null . | UIImage |
smallViewPostion | Position of the small view on the UI. Default is .topRight . | ZegoViewPosition |
switchLargeOrSmallViewByClick | Whether the large and small views can be switched by clicking. Default is true . | Bool |
smallViewSize | Size of the small view. Default is CGSize(width: 95, height: 169) . | CGSize |
spacingBetweenSmallViews | Spacing between small views. Default is 0 . | CGFloat |
removeViewWhenAudioVideoUnavailable | Whether to remove the view when audio and video are unavailable. Default is true . | Bool |
Gallery layout configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
addBorderRadiusAndSpacingBetweenView | Whether to add rounded corners and spacing between views. Default is true . | Bool |
removeViewWhenAudioVideoUnavailable | Whether to remove the view when audio and video are unavailable. Default is false . | Bool |
showNewScreenSharingViewInFullscreenMode | Whether to set full screen when entering screen sharing. Default is true . | Bool |
showScreenSharingFullscreenModeToggleButtonRules | Display rules for screen sharing full screen mode toggle button. Default is true . | Bool |
Leave confirmation dialog information configuration class
Property | Description | Type |
title | Title text. | String |
message | Confirmation message text. | String |
cancelButtonName | Cancel button text. | String |
confirmButtonName | Confirm button text. | String |
dialogPresentVC | The view controller where the leave live room confirmation dialog is displayed. By default, it is displayed in the current voice chat room. | UIViewController |
Menu bar themes enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
light | Light theme. |
dark | Dark theme. |
Page layout modes enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
pictureInPicture | Picture-in-picture layout. |
gallery | Gallery layout. |
invalid | Invalid value. |
UI languages enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
ENGLISH | UIKit displays in English. |
CHS | UIKit displays in Chinese. |
Menu bar button names enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
hangUpButton | Hang up button. |
toggleCameraButton | Toggle camera button. |
toggleMicrophoneButton | Toggle microphone button. |
switchCameraButton | Switch camera button. |
switchAudioOutputButton | Switch audio output button. |
showMemberListButton | Show member list button. |
chatButton | Chat button. |
minimizingButton | Minimizing button. |
Certificate verification methods enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
firstCertificate | First certificate verification method. |
secondCertificate | Second certificate verification method. |
Video resolutions enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
PRESET_180P | 180P. |
PRESET_270P | 270P. |
PRESET_360P | 360P. |
PRESET_540P | 540P. |
PRESET_720P | 720P. |
PRESET_1080P | 1080P. |
View positions enumeration.
Enumeration | Description |
topLeft | Top left. |
topRight | Top right. |
bottomLeft | Bottom left. |
bottomRight | Bottom right. |