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Customize the menu bar button list

Customize the menu bar button list

Call Kit (ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall) allows you to configure the buttons of the menu bar. To remove the default buttons or add custom ones to the bottom menu bar, you can configure the bottomMenuBarConfig:

(Similarly, to configure top menu bar buttons or add custom buttons to the top menu bar, use the topMenuBarConfig.)

  1. buttons: Built-in buttons placed in the menu bar. By default, all buttons are displayed. If you need to hide some buttons, use this to configure them.
  2. maxCount: Maximum number of buttons that can be displayed by the menu bar. Value range [1 - 5], the default value is 5.
  3. extendButtons: Use this configuration to add your own custom buttons to menu bar.

If the total number of built-in buttons and custom buttons does not exceed 5, all buttons will be displayed. Otherwise, other buttons that cannot be displayed will be hidden in the three dots (⋮) button. Clicking this button will pop up the bottom sheet to display the remaining buttons.

The effect will be like this:

Here is the reference code:

Basic call
With call invitation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let appID: UInt32 = 
    let appSign: String = 
    String userID = "userID";
    String userName = "userName";
    String callID = "testCallID";

    @IBAction func startVideoCall(_ sender: Any) {
        let config: ZegoUIkitPrebuiltCallConfig = ZegoUIkitPrebuiltCallConfig()
        let callVC: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVC = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVC.init(appID, appSign: appSign, userID: userID, userName: userName, callID: callID, config: config)
        callVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
        self.present(callVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

    @IBAction func startVoiceCall(_ sender: Any) {
        let config: ZegoUIkitPrebuiltCallConfig = ZegoUIkitPrebuiltCallConfig()
        config.turnOnCameraWhenjoining = false
        let menuBarConfig = ZegoBottomMenuBarConfig()
        menuBarConfig.buttons = [.toggleMicrophoneButton,.hangUpButton,.swtichAudioOutputButton]
        config.bottomMenuBarConfig = menuBarConfig
        let callVC: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVC = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVC.init(appID, appSign: appSign, userID: userID, userName: userName, callID: callID, config: config)
        callVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
        self.present(callVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let appID: UInt32 = 
    let appSign: String = 
    String userID = "userID"
    String userName = "userName"

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationConfig(notifyWhenAppRunningInBackgroundOrQuit: true, isSandboxEnvironment: false)
        ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.shared.initWithAppID(self.appID, appSign: self.appSign, userID: userID, userName: userName, config: config)
        ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.shared.delegate = self

extension ViewController: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationServiceDelegate {
    func requireConfig(_ data: ZegoCallInvitationData) -> ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig {
        if data.type == .voiceCall {
            if data.invitees?.count ?? 0 > 1 {
                let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.groupVoiceCall()
                return config
            } else {
                let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.oneOnOneVoiceCall()
                return config
        } else {
            if data.invitees?.count ?? 0 > 1 {
                let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.groupVideoCall()
                return config
            } else {
                let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.oneOnOneVideoCall()
                return config


Customize the hidden behavior of the menu bar

The Call Kit (ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall) supports automatic or manual hiding of the menu bar. You can control this by using the following two configurations in the ZegoBottomMenuBarConfig:

  1. hideByClick: Whether the menu bar can be hidden by clicking on the unresponsive area, enabled by default.
  2. hideAutomatically: Whether the menu bar is automatically hidden after 5 seconds of user inactivity, enabled by default.

Add chat button to the menu bar.

You can modify config.bottomMenuBarConfig.buttons to add a chat button to the menubar.

Here is the reference code:

config.bottomMenuBarConfig.buttons = [.toggleCameraButton,.switchCameraButton,.hangUpButton,.toggleMicrophoneButton,.swtichAudioOutputButton, .chatButton]


Implement an audio-only call


Set a hangup confirmation dialog