Set a hangup confirmation dialog
Call Kit (ZegoUIKitPrebuilt) ends a call by default when the user clicks the End Call button.
If you want to add a confirmation dialog box to double confirm whether the user wants to hang up a call, you can use the hangUpConfirmInfo
config: After configuring the hangUpConfirmInfo parameter, ZegoUIKitPrebuilt will pop up a confirmation dialog box with the default style before ending the call, showing the confirmation info you set.
The effect will be like this:

Here is the reference code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let selfUserID: String = "userID"
let selfUserName: String = "userName"
let yourAppID: UInt32 = YourAppID
let yourAppSign: String = YourAppSign
let callID: String = "testCallID"
override func viewDidLoad() {
@IBAction func makeNewCall(_ sender: Any) {
// Modify your custom configurations here.
let config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.oneOnOneVideoCall()
let hangUpConfirmDialogInfo = ZegoLeaveConfirmDialogInfo()
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.title = "Hangup confirm"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.message = "Do you want to hangup?"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.cancelButtonName = "Cancel"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.confirmButtonName = "Confirm"
config.hangUpConfirmDialogInfo = hangUpConfirmDialogInfo
let callVC = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVC.init(yourAppID, appSign: yourAppSign, userID: selfUserID, userName: selfUserName ?? "", callID: callID, config: config)
callVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
self.present(callVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
class CallInvitationVC: UIViewController {
let appID: UInt32 = yourAppID
let appSign: String = "yourAppSign"
let userID: String = "userID"
let userName: String = "userName"
let voiceCallButton: ZegoSendCallInvitationButton = ZegoSendCallInvitationButton(ZegoInvitationType.voiceCall.rawValue)
let videoCallButton: ZegoSendCallInvitationButton = ZegoSendCallInvitationButton(ZegoInvitationType.videoCall.rawValue)
override func viewDidLoad() {
let config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationConfig([ZegoUIKitSignalingPlugin()], notifyWhenAppRunningInBackgroundOrQuit: false, isSandboxEnvironment: false)
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.shared.initWithAppID(self.appID, appSign: self.appSign, userID: self.userID, userName: self.userName, config: config)
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.shared.delegate = self
extension CallInvitationVC: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationServiceDelegate {
//MARK: -ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationServiceDelegate
func requireConfig(_ data: ZegoCallInvitationData) -> ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig {
var config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.groupVoiceCall()
if data.type == .voiceCall {
if data.invitees?.count ?? 0 > 1 {
config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.groupVoiceCall()
} else {
config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.oneOnOneVoiceCall()
} else {
if data.invitees?.count ?? 0 > 1 {
config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.groupVideoCall()
} else {
config = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.oneOnOneVideoCall()
// Modify your custom configurations here.
let hangUpConfirmDialogInfo = ZegoLeaveConfirmDialogInfo()
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.title = "Hangup confirm"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.message = "Do you want to hangup?"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.cancelButtonName = "Cancel"
hangUpConfirmDialogInfo.confirmButtonName = "Confirm"
config.hangUpConfirmDialogInfo = hangUpConfirmDialogInfo
return config
If you want to listen for hang-up events, for example, to save the call recording when ending the call, ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall provides a ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVCDelegate
method, and the onHangUp
will be triggered when the call ends. And sure, you can also implement custom business logic in the onHangUp
Here is the sample code:
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.shared.callVCDelegate = self
extension ViewController: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallVCDelegate {
func onCallEnd(_ endEvent: ZegoCallEndEvent) {
print("reason: \(String(describing: endEvent.reason)) kickerUserID: \(endEvent.kickerUserID)")