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ZIM error codes


The newly released In-app Chat 2.0.0 has been upgraded considerably (for detailed changes, see Release notes). If the version of the SDK you are using is earlier than 2.0.0, for its error codes, see Error codes for In-app Chat 1.x.x. For a better development experience, we recommend you use the latest version of SDK.


This document provides possible causes and solutions for the network errors or the errors that you may encounter when running the latest version of SDK.

If the code value of the errorInfo field doesn't return 0 after the method is called, which indicates that an error occurs. And the code will be like this:

// Listen for the onerror event callback.
zim.on('error', function(zim, errorInfo) {
    console.error('code:' + errorInfo.code + ', message:' + errorInfo.message);            

// Error occurs when calling methods.
zim.login('', { token: '', userName: '' })
    .then(function() {
        // Operation successful.
    .catch(function(err) {
        // Operation failed.

General errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
0Request execution successful.
1Request execution failed.
6000001The parameter is invalid. Please check the parameter.
6000002The SDK is not initialized. Please initialize the SDK first before calling methods.
6000003The AppID is invalid or has expired. Please check the AppID or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000004Requests have exceeded the SDK's upper limit.
6000005Requests have exceeded the backend server's upper limit.
6000006The Switch server reported an error, because requests have exceeded the backend server's upper limit. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000007Internal server error. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000008Internal database error. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000009Disconnected while sending the request. Please try reconnecting.
6000010Failed to upload logs. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000011The user doesn't exist. Please check whether the user ID.
6000012The operation of user information reaches the limit. Please confirm:
  • For a single API call, the number of UserIDs queried should not exceed 10.
  • Within 10 seconds, for multiple API calls, the total number of UserIDs queried should not exceed 10.
6000013The current billing plan does not support this operation. Please confirm your plan permissions
6000015Exceed the DAU limit for your AppID. Please upgrade your plan.
6000016Exceeded the MAU limit for your AppID. Please upgrade your plan.

Login errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000101Login failed, because the Token is invalid or the AppID is incorrect. Please check the Token or AppID.
6000102Login failed due to an internal error. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000103Token is invalid. Please call the renewToken method to renew the Token and try again.
6000104Network error. Please check the network or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000106Token has expired. Please call the renewToken method to renew the Token and try again.
6000107The Token you are using does not match the target Token version. Please use the correct version of the Token.
6000108The validity period of the Token is too short. This error occurs when the valid period of the Token is shorter than 30s. Please generate a Token with a longer validity period.
6000111You have already logged in.
6000121You have not logged in. Please call the login method to log in first.
6000123After the user's offline time exceeds the maximum disconnection and reconnection time, the user attempts to log in to another userID without logging out of the current userID. First call the logOut interface to log out, and then call the login interface to log in.
6000124The userID used for offline login is different from the userID used for the last successful online login. Please use the userID of the last successful online login, or log in online.

Message errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000201Internal error occurs while sending the message. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000202Internal server error. Please upload the log first and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000203Failed to send messages due to internal error. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000204The message target (user, group, room) does not exist.
6000210File module error. Check the error message or submit the log to contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support
6000211The rich media content file doesn't exist. Please check it first.
6000212Failed to send rich media conetent. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000213Unsupported image/audio/video format. Please check the format first. For more details, refer to the Message types.
6000214File size error. Please check the size first. For more about the size limit, refer to the Message types.
6000215Audio duration error. Please check the duration first. For more about the duration limit, refer to the Message types.
6000216The file does not have the correct read permissions.
6000217A common error message for file download failure. Please upload the log first and contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support team for processing.
6000218The file size exceeds the upper limit, causing the download to fail. The upper limit of file size is 200 MB by default. If you need to adjust it, please contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support team.
6000219The URL of the file is invalid, causing the download to fail. Please verify that the URL is valid.
6000220The download failed due to request failure. Please verify that the URL is valid.
6000221Failed to pass the content moderation. Please check the message content.
6000222Content moderation failed. Please upload the logs first and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000230Message sending failed due to developer business side review. No processing required.
6000231Failed to send message due to being banned. Wait for the ban to be lifted or the ban period to expire before sending a message.
6000240An error occurred in the import and export interface. Please confirm whether the corresponding DB file exists.
6000241Import or export message operation is in progress. Do not execute it repeatedly.
6000242Only the current user's data can be imported. Please confirm whether the imported message data belongs to the current user.
6000243Error exporting message. Please provide logs to ZEGOCLOUD technical support for troubleshooting.
6000244Error importing message. Please provide logs to ZEGOCLOUD technical support for troubleshooting.
6000245Parsing error after importing message. Please provide logs to ZEGOCLOUD technical support for troubleshooting.

Call invitation errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000270Call invitation failed. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000271Failed to cancel the call invitation. The invitee has already accepted a call invitation.
6000272Failed to initiate outbound calls, because the number of invitees has exceeded the limit or backend error occurs. Please check the number of invitees (upper limit: 9). Or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000273The call invitation was canceled by the initiator.
6000274The call invitation was accepted or rejected by an uninvited user. Please check whether the responding user is the target user.
6000275The callID already exists.
6000276The callID does not exist or has expired while canceling/accepting/rejecting the call invitation. Please check whether the callID exists or has expired.
6000281All invitees were not registered when the call invitation was initiated.
6000283The device that called the callJoin interface is already calling in advanced mode and is the primary device.
6000286A normal mode call ID was passed in when calling advanced mode interfaces such as callJoin, callQuit, callEnd, callingInvite, etc. Please check the callID and its mode.

Room errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000301Room ID does not exist. Please check the Room ID.
6000302Operation failed due to internal error. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000303Failed to create room due to internal error. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000304Failed to join the room because the room does not exist. Please check whether the room ID exists.
6000306Failed to leave the room because the room does not exist. Please check whether the room ID exists or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000320The user is already in the room. Please check it.
6000321The user does not in the room. Please check whether the user is in the room.
6000322The room corresponding to the roomID does not exist when calling the joinRoom method. Please check whether the room ID exists.
6000323The room corresponding to the roomID already exists when calling the createRoom method. Please do not create rooms with the same Room ID.
6000324The number of rooms has exceeded the upper limit (20).
6000325The number of rooms a user can join at the same time has exceeded the upper limit. By default, a user can join up to 5 rooms at a time.
6000326Repeatedly try the createRoom, joinRoom, or enterRoom interfaces multiple times, or perform an action on a room that is being connected. Please wait for onRoomStateChanged to return the room connection result before operating.
6000330Room property error.
6000331Failed to operate room properties. Please try again.
6000332Failed to operate some room properties. Please try again.
6000333Failed to search the room property. Please try again.
6000334The number of the room property has exceeded the upper limit. A maximum of 10 properties can be set per room.
6000335The length of the room property (key) has exceeded the limit. The default length of the key is 16.
6000336The length of the room property (value) has exceeded the limit. The default length of the value is 1024.
6000337The total length of the room property (value) has exceeded the limit. The limit of the total length was configured by the backend. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support to check.
6000350User attribute error in room. Please upload logs first and contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support team for processing.
6000351The total size of user attributes in the room exceeds the limit. For a single user, the total length of all Key-Value is up to 144 bytes, with a maximum of 30 pairs.
6000352The Key size of the user attribute in the room exceeds the limit. The maximum length of a single Key is 8 bytes.
6000353The Value size of the user attribute in the room exceeds the limit. The maximum length of a single Value is 64 bytes.
6000354In the same room, user attributes are added/modified too frequently. During the current time period, everyone in the room can perform new/modified operations, and the total cannot exceed 20 times/10s.
6000355User attributes are queried too frequently in the same room. In the current time period, everyone in the room can perform query operations, and the cumulative number cannot exceed 1000 times/10s.
6000356This user queries too frequently in the same room. Within the current time period, a single user in the room can perform query operations no more than 5 times/30s.
6000357The number of users who can set attributes in the same room exceeds the upper limit. User attributes can be set for up to 500 users in the same room.

Offline notification errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000401The ID is invalid. Please check whether the ID exists.

Group errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000501Operation failed. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000502Operation failed due to internal error. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000503Failed to create the group. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000504Unfroup failed. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000505Failed to join the group. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000506Failed to leave the group. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000507Failed to remove the member from the group. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000508Failed to add members to the group. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000509Failed to change the group owner. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000510Failed to operate the group information. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000511Failed to search the group information. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000512Failed to operate the group property. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000513Failed to query the group property. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000514Failed to update the group member info. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000515Failed to query the group member info. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000516Failed to query the group list. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000517Failed to query the group member list. Please try again or contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000521The member does not in the group.
6000522The member is already in the group.
6000523The group does not exist. Please check whether the group exists before calling related methods.
6000524The group already exists.
6000525The number of group members has exceeded the upper limit.
6000526The group property does not exist.
6000527Create a group using the group ID that has been destroyed. Please use a different ID.
6000531The number of group properties has exceeded the upper limit (10).
6000532The length of the group property (key) has exceeded the limit. The default length of the key is 16.
6000533The length of the group property (value) has exceeded the limit. The default length of the value is 1024.
6000541You don't have permission to call group-related methods.
6000542This group prohibits users from outside the group from actively joining.
6000543Call the joinGroup interface to directly join the group and report an error. Please call sendGroupJoinApplication to initiate a group application and wait for review by the group owner or administrator.
6000544Call the inviteUsersIntoGroup interface to invite external users to join the group. Since the beInviteMode of the group is Auth (1), the user does not directly join the group. Please wait for the target user to agree or refuse to join the group.

Session errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000601Session failed. Please upload the log and contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
6000602Operation failed due to internal error. Please upload the log and contact the ZEGOCLOUD technical support team.
6000603The session does not exist. Please check the session.
6000604The number of session pin lists exceeds the upper limit. If you need to increase the upper limit, please contact ZEGO technical support.

Message receipt erros

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000277Failed to set message receipt as read. Please confirm whether the parameters for setting the message receipt read are correct.
6000282Call the sendMessageReceiptsRead interface to set more than 10 messages as read at one time. Please reduce the number of incoming messages to less than 10.

Message withdrawal errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000278The user wants to withdraw a message but the time limit for withdrawal has expired. Please confirm whether the withdrawn message has exceeded the time limit.
6000279The user wants to withdraw a message but it has already been withdrawn. Please confirm whether the withdrawal is repeated.

Message reaction errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000280Indicates that when a user expresses or deletes a position on a certain key in a message, the key has already been expressed or deleted by the user. Developers can provide pop-up prompts or do not perform special processing.

Blacklist errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000284Unable to send messages because the recipient of the message has been blocked. Process client UI performance according to normal blacklist logic.
6000804When you block a user, the user is already on the blacklist. No need to block people again.
6000805Blocking yourself is not supported. Please check whether the userID passed is correct.
6000806This user has been removed from the blacklist. Please check the blacklist relationship.
6000807This user is not in the blacklist. Please check the blacklist relationship.
6000808The blacklist capacity limit has been reached. Remove some blacklist members or contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support team for expansion.
6000815Failed to block user. Please check ZIMErrorUserInfo > reason in the callback to get the specific failure reason.
6000816Failed to remove user from blacklist. Please check ZIMErrorUserInfo > reason in the callback to get the specific failure reason.

Friend management errors

Return codePossible cause and solutions
6000801The number of friends has reached the upper limit (3000) and no more friends can be added. Remove some friends or contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support team for expansion.
6000802The current user has agreed or rejected the application and cannot call the agree or reject friend application interface again. Handle client UI performance according to normal friend management logic.
6000803The current user has agreed or rejected the application and cannot call the agree or reject friend application interface again. Handle client UI performance according to normal friend management logic.
6000809The number of friends deleted at one time exceeds the upper limit (default is 20). Please reduce the number of incoming users.
6000810When adding a friend or initiating a friend application, the user ID passed in is the operating user himself. Handle client UI performance according to normal friend management logic.
6000811When adding a friend or initiating a friend application, the user ID passed in is the operating user himself. Handle client UI performance according to normal friend management logic.
6000812When deleting friends, the user ID passed in is not the friend of the operating user. Please check whether your code complies with the friend management logic.
6000813When deleting a friend, the user ID passed in is the operating user himself. Please check whether your code complies with the friend management logic.
6000814The friend application has expired, and the interface for agreeing or rejecting the friend application cannot be called. Handle client UI performance according to normal friend management logic.


ResourcesID introduction


Migration solution