In-app Chat
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Get the conversation list


Conversation, typically is the logical relationship automatically established by the ZIM SDK when a user sends a "single chat/group" message. Only the following message types can be used to establish a conversation:

Message TypeConversation Types
Text Messages
  • One-to-one Conversation
  • Group Conversation
Rich Media Messages(Including image, audio, video, file)
Combined Messages
Custom Messages
Tip MessagesYou need to contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support to enable the group management type of Tip message feature. Afterwards, when a user creates a group, the ZIM SDK will convert this operation into a special type of message (Tip message) within the group conversation, resulting in the successful creation of the group conversation.
If a user inserts a local message or saves a conversation draft before the conversation exists, a local conversation will be created. When the user gets the conversation list from the local database, these local sessions will be retrieved.

ZIM supports users to listen for conversation changes and get a conversation list from the local database. It also supports developers to retrieve the complete conversation list of a specific user from the ZIM server.

You can obtain and display the one-on-one and group chat conversation lists in scenarios such as chats, gaming communities, and online consulting.

Listen for conversation changes

Before logging in, users should call the setEventHandler method to listen for the callback conversationChanged, After login, the users will receive notifications of conversation changes when the following events happen:

CategoryEventEvent ValueZIMConversation Property
Basic Conversation PropertiesConversation name changed.UpdatedconversationName
Conversation avatar URL changed.conversationAvatarUrl
  • When a user sets a remark (friendAlias) for a friend, the ZIM SDK synchronously modifies the corresponding alias of the one-on-one conversation.
  • When a user sets a remark (groupAlias) for a group, the ZIM SDK will synchronize and modify the corresponding conversation alias for the group chat.
Unread message count changed, including changes caused by the user deleting unread messages?unreadMessageCount
Additional Conversation PropertiesUser sets/cancels a conversation as pinned.isPinned
User sets notification status for a conversation.notificationStatus
User saves a conversation draft.draft
The user is mentioned in a conversation. If the user deletes the message that mentions them, they will also receive the event notification.mentionedInfoList
Last Message in Conversation ChangesUser receives a new message.lastMessage
User sends a new message.
The status or the content of the last message changes, or it is deleted by the user.
Conversation Status ChangesUser has a new conversation.Added-

User voluntarily leaves/is kicked out of a group conversation.


This assumes that the group conversation already exists (i.e., there are messages in the conversation).


Group conversation is dissolved.


This assumes that the group conversation already exists (i.e., there are messages in the conversation).

Recipient user does not exist when sending a one-on-one message.
User sends a message to a group they have not joined.
In a multi-device login scenario, when a user deletes a conversation on one device, other devices will immediately receive a notification of this conversation event.Deleted-

At this time, you can get the conversation list based on your demands.


Currently, the callback conversationChanged only supports notification of incremental changes of the conversation list in the local database and the conversation list on the ZIM server.

You need to maintain the array of conversation lists retrieved from the queryConversationListWithConfig method, and based on current conversation updates, perform property changes, inserts, and sorted displays .

// Set up the event handler
[self.zim setEventHandler:self];


- (void)zim:(ZIM *)zim conversationChanged:(NSArray<ZIMConversationChangeInfo *> *)conversationChangeInfoList {
    // Get the conversation change list.
    for (ZIMConversationChangeInfo *info in conversationChangeInfoList) {
        if (info.event == ZIMConversationEventAdded) {
            // Add to your self-maintained list and set up a UI fresh here.
        } else if (info.event == ZIMConversationEventUpdated) {
           // Edit the conversation properties, and set up a UI fresh here.

Get the conversation list

ZIM supports developers to call SDK interfaces to retrieve the current user's conversation list from the local database. It also supports making requests to the ZIM server to retrieve the complete conversation list of a specific user.

After fetching the conversation list, developers can use it to customize the UI display of the conversation list.

From the local database

  • The ZIM SDK currently only supports fetching one-to-one and group conversation lists, and does not support fetching the room conversation list.
  • The conversation list is stored in the local database, and when getting the conversation list, relevant data will be retrieved from the local database.
  • It is recommended for you to use this feature on the first screen of the conversation page.

After login, if users want to know what conversations they have joined, they can call the queryConversationListWithConfig method to query the conversation list.

To avoid the problem of pulling too many conversations at the same time, which takes a long time and causes slow loading of the conversation interface, you can customize the number of conversations by setting the ZIMConversationQueryConfig object for paging query when pulling conversations.

ZIMConversationQueryConfig *config = [[ZIMConversationQueryConfig alloc] init];
// conversation query anchor. Empty indicates that the query starts from the latest.
config.nextConversation = nil;
// The number of queries per page.
config.count = 20;

// Get the conversation list.
[self.zim queryConversationListWithConfig:config callback:^(NSArray<ZIMConversation *> * _Nonnull conversationList, ZIMError * _Nonnull errorInfo) {
    // Get the results of query the conversation list.
    if(errorInfo.code == ZIMErrorCodeSuccess) {
        // You will need to save and maintain the conversation objects in the array.
    } else {
        // ......

From the ZIM server

You can get a user's conversation list by calling the server API. For more details, please refer to the server API documentation Query conversation list


Call invitation (signaling)


Manage unread message counts