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Callback on call invitation timed out


After the call is successfully created, your serve can receive a timeout callback on call invitation timeout from the ZIM server to determine the users who have timed out in the call under the following circumstances:

  • Within the timeout period configured in the ZIM server, the caller is online, and some of the callees have not responded.
  • Within the timeout period set when creating the call, the caller is online, and some of the callees have not responded.
  • When the call times out, the calling user goes offline and none of the called users respond.

If none of the callees respond within the specified time and the caller is online, a callback on call invitation canceled will be triggered.

Callback description

  • Request method: POST

    The callback data format is JSON, and you need to perform UrlDecode decoding on it.

  • Request endpoint: The corresponding callback endpoint in the ZEGOCLOUD Admin Console.
  • Protocol: HTTPS/HTTP (HTTPS is recommended.)

Callback parameters

appidStringUnique ID of App.
eventStringCallback event, the return value of this callback is call_timeout.
nonceStringRandom string.
signatureStringThe verification string, see Authenticating server-to-server callbacks for details.
timestampIntThe current server time in Unix timestamp format.
call_idStringCall ID.
user_idsArray of StringList of user IDs not to answer.

We recommend that you convert some parameters to Int for logical processing. The relevant fields include appid and nonce.

Sample code

    "appid": "1",
    "event": "call_timeout",
    "nonce": "350176",
    "signature": "signature",
    "timestamp": 1499676978,
    "call_id": "3501761173612493269",
    "user_ids": ["abc","def"]

Return codes

If an HTTP status code 2XX (for example, 200) is returned, the callback succeeded. Otherwise, the callback failed.

Callback retry policy

If the ZEGOCLOUD server does not receive a response, or the HTTP status code received by the ZEGOCLOUD server is not 2xx (such as 200), it will retry with intervals of 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, and 32s respectively. If the retry still fails after an interval of 32s, it will no longer retry.


Call invitation rejected


Message not sent yet