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Push message to all users


It refers to sending messages with specific content, such as text, images, etc., to all online users, including the sender of the message and to all offline users. This feature is suitable for scenarios such as the global announcement of an event or the display of gifts across multiple rooms.

  • If you need to use this function, please subscribe to the ZIM signaling, pro or enterprise plan.
  • Messages sent through this interface will not create a conversation or be saved.

Recipients of the message will only receive the message and identify the sender through the following callback interface provided by the ZIM SDK:

WebFlutterReact NativeUnity3D

Interface Prototype

  • Request method: POST
  • Request URL: https://zim-api.zego.im/?Action=SendMessageToAllUsers
  • Transfer protocol: HTTPS
  • Call rate limit: 1 time/second, limited to 100 times in 24 hours. Please contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support in case of need.

Request Parameters

The following list includes only the interface request parameters and some common parameters. For a complete list of common parameters, please see Accessing Server APIs.

ParameterTypeRequired or NotDescription
FromUserIdStringYesThe sender's user must be registered.
MessageTypeNumberYesMessage type, please refer to MessageBody Introduction for the applicable types of all user pushes.
MessageBodyObjectYesMessage content, please refer to MessageBody Introduction for specific parameter format.

Setting is not supported at this time.

SubMsgTypeNumberNo(However, it is mandatory when MessageType is set to custom message)Specific custom types. The values are defined by you and the range of values is [0,200].
  • 0: Push the message to all online users。
  • 1: Push the message to all online users and all offline users.
  • 2: Push the message to all offline users who have reported the ZPNsPushId.
  • FromUserId only supports numbers, English characters, and '!','#','$','%','&','(',')','+','-',':',';','<','=','.','>','?','@','[',']','^','_',' ','{','}','|','~'.
  • If the sender's SDK version is lower than 2.0.0, ZIM server only supports Command type message with MessageType 2, and does not support other types.
    To provide a better developer experience, ZEGOCLOUD recommends that developers use the latest version of the SDK.
  • The SDK version of the message receiver must be 2.10.0 or higher. This is necessary to receive broadcast messages from all users.

Request Example

  • Request address URL:

    &<Public request parameters>
  • Request message body:

        "FromUserId": "u1",
        "MessageType": 1,
        "MessageBody": {
            "Message":"hello world",
        "SubMsgType": 0

Response Parameters

CodeNumberReturn code.
When you send messages to multiple users at the same time:
  • If you successfully send messages to one or more users, the Code will return 0, indicating success. In this case, please refer to the specific information in ErrorList to confirm the operation results and see if the message failed to be sent to some users.
  • If the message fails to be sent to all users, the Code will return the corresponding return code. Please refer to Return Codes.
MessageStringDescriptive information about the result of the request.
RequestIdStringThe Request ID.

Response Example

    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "success",
    "RequestId": "343649807833778782"

Return Code

The following only lists the return codes related to the interface business logic. For the complete list of return codes, please refer to Return Codes.

Return CodeClarificationProcessing Suggestions
660000002Invalid input parameters.Please check the input parameters.
660400001The size of the message exceeds the limit. Please check the message size.
660500002The message sender is not logged in to the SDK.Please log in to the ZIM SDK before sending messages.
660500003The frequency of calling the SendMessageToAllUsers interface exceeds the limit.Please try again later.


Recall a room message


Import one-to-one messages