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Query conversation list


You can call this operation to paginate and fetch the all conversation list. It can return up to 1000 latest conversations, including both one-on-one and group chats.


Even if the user is kicked out of the conversation, the result returned by this interface still includes the conversation. However, if the conversation is dissolved, it is not possible to obtain relevant information about the conversation through this interface.

Operation prototype

  • Request method: POST
  • Request URL: https://zim-api.zego.im/?Action=QueryConversationList
  • Protocol: HTTPS
  • QPS limit: 20 calls per second.

Request parameters

The following table describes only the operation-specific request parameters and some common request parameters. For the complete list of common request parameters, see the Public request parameters section of the Accessing Server APIs topic.

FromUserIdStringYesQuery the conversation list for this registered UserID.
LimitNumberNoNumber of conversations to retrieve in one request. The default is 100, with a range of (0, 500].
  • If the value is ≤ 0, it will be adjusted to 100.
  • If the value is > 500, it will be adjusted to 500.

Paging flag for fetching data. Set to 0 for the first request and then set it to the Next value returned from the previous request. When the returned Next value is 0, it means that the conversation list retrieval is complete.

For example, if there are 250 conversations for FromUserID, and you call this interface to query:

  1. First call to this interface, set Limit to 100 and Next to 0, to query conversations 1-100; the Next value in the returned result is num1.
  2. Second call to this interface, set Limit to 100 and Next to num1, to query conversations 101-200; the Next value in the returned result is num2.
  3. Third call to this interface, set Limit to 100 and Next to num2, to query conversations 201-250; the query is complete, and the Next value in the returned result is 0.


The FromUserId parameter can contain only digits, letters, and the following characters: '!','#','$','%','&','(',')','+','-',':',';','<','=','.','>','?','@','[',']','^','_',' ','{','}','|','~'.

Sample request

Request URL:

    &<Common request parameters>
  • Request message body:

         "FromUserId": "u1",
         "Limit": 10,
         "Next": 0

Response parameters

CodeNumberThe return code.
MessageStringThe description of the request result.
RequestIdStringThe request ID.
TotalCountNumberThe total number of current conversations.
NextNumberPagination flag.
  • Not 0: indicates that there is more conversation information to be returned, and this field needs to be set to the Next parameter in the request to fetch more conversation information.
  • 0: indicates that the complete conversation list has been returned.
Aside from the explanations mentioned above, this field has no association with the list information. Please do not base any other logic on it.
ListArray of ObjectConversation list. Return the results in ascending order based on UpdateTime.
└ConvIdStringConversation ID.
  • One-to-one chats: The conversation ID is the ID of the other user.
  • Group chats: The conversation ID is the group ID.
└ConvTypeNumberThe conversation type.
  • 0  or this field is not returned: One-to-one chats.
  • 2: Group chats.
└UpdateTimeNumberLast modified time of the conversation, in milliseconds timestamp.

Sample response

    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "success",
    "RequestId": "343649807833778782",
    "TotalCount": 500,
    "Next": 1000,
    "List": [
            "ConvId": "conv1",
            "ConvType": 2,
            "UpdateTime": 1708254395000
            "ConvId": "conv2",
            "ConvType": 0,
            "UpdateTime": 1708254395000
            "ConvId": "conv3",
            "UpdateTime": 1708254395000

Return codes

The following table describes only the return codes related to the business logic of the operation. For the complete list of return codes, see Return codes.

Return CodeDescriptionSolution
660000002Invalid parameter.Check the input parameter.
660300005The QPS limit specified in AppID is exceeded.Try again later.
660500002FromUserId is not registered.Check if FromUserId is correct.
660800053Failed to query conversation list.Contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support.


Pin conversations to the top


Query the message list of one-on-one chats