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Import one-to-one messages


You can call this method to import historical one-to-one messages in chronological order from another instant messaging service to ZEGO Instant Messaging (ZIM).

A one-to-one chat is between two users (user A and user B). If user A deletes some messages, the message list of user A will differ from that of user B. Therefore, you need to call this method for user A and user B separately.

Request method and endpoint

  • Request method: POST
  • Request endpoint: https://zim-api.zego.im/?Action=ImportPeerMsg
  • Transmission protocol: HTTPS
  • QPS limit: 20 calls per second

Request parameters

The following table describes only the method-specific request parameters and some common request parameters. For the complete list of common request parameters, see Accessing Server APIs.

FromUserIdStringYesThe ID of the message sender (registered).
ToUserIdStringYesThe ID of the message recipient (registered).
MessageTypeNumberYesMessage type. For more information about message types applicable to a one-to-one chat, see MessageBody Introduction. Signaling messages are not supported.

Message priority (read Basic Concepts - Message Priority for details). Valid values:

  • 1: low.
  • 2: medium.
  • 3: high.
MessageBodyObjectYesMessage content. For more information about the format, see MessageBody Introduction-Applicable types of one-to-one chats. Offline push is not supported.
SubMsgTypeNumberNo (Yes if MessageType is 200)Custom message type. Value range: [0,200].
SearchedContentStringNoThe searched content of the custom message. This field is required only if MessageType is 200 and can contain up to 64 bytes in length. This field is required to search for associated custom messages on the client.

The Unix timestamp when the message was sent. Unit: ms. Import messages based on their sending timestamps in chronological order.

  • If the value is set to 0 or not specified, the current time is used.
ImportedUserIdStringYesIt must be either the FromUserId or the ToUserId, indicating the user whose message list is to be imported.
  • The FromUserId and ToUserId parameters can contain only digits, letters, and the following characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '+', '-', ':', ';', '<', '=', '.', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', ' ', '{', '}', '|', '~'.
  • We recommend that you use the SDK of the latest version for better experience.
  • To receive a text message whose MessageType is 1, the version of the receiving ZIM SDK needs to be 2.7.0 or later.
  • To send and receive a custom message whose MessageType is 200, the version of the sending and receiving ZIM SDKs needs to be 2.8.0 or later.
  • If the version of the receiving ZIM SDK is 2.0.0 or later but earlier than 2.8.0, the ZIM SDK can receive a custom message but will identify the message type as unknown. In addition, it cannot obtain the message content. To obtain the message content, upgrade the ZIM SDK to 2.8.0 or later.
  • If the version of the receiving ZIM SDK is 1.x.x, the ZIM SDK cannot receive a custom message and identify the message type as unknown.

Sample request

  • Request URL:

    &<Common request parameters>
  • Request body:

        "FromUserId": "u1",
        "ToUserId": "u2",
        "MessageType": 200,
        "Priority": 1,
        "MessageBody": {
            "Message": "hello world",
            "ExtendedData": "s"
        "SubMsgType": 110,
        "SearchedContent": "ex",
        "SendMessageTime": 123,
        "ImportedUserId": "u1"

Response parameters


The return code.

MessageStringThe description of the request result.
RequestIdStringThe request ID.
MsgIdStringThe message ID.
MsgSeqNumberThe message sequence.

Sample response

    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "success",
    "RequestId": "343649807833778782",
    "MsgId": "6654861479614",
    "MsgSeq": 1

Verify the result

After messages are imported successfully, call the ZIM server API Query the message list of one-on-one chats to check whether all one-to-one messages are imported.

Return codes

The following table describes only the return codes related to the business logic of the method. For the complete list of return codes, see Return codes.

Return codeDescriptionSolution
660400001The message size exceeds the limit. Check the message size.


Push message to all users


Import group messages