Obtain information about users in a room
You can call this operation to obtain information about users in a room by room ID, including the number of users, user ID, and username.
Operation prototype
- Request method: GET
- Request URL:
- Protocol: HTTPS
- QPS limit: 20 calls per second
Request parameters
The following table describes only the operation-specific request parameters and some common request parameters. For the complete list of common request parameters, see the Public request parameters section of the Accessing Server APIs topic.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
RoomId | String | Yes | The room ID, which cannot exceed 32 bytes in length and can contain only digits, letters, and the following characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '&','(',')','+','-',':',';', '<','=','.','>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', '{', '}', '|', '~'. |
Mode | Number | No | Specifies the order of logged-in users in a room. Valid values:
NextFlag | String | No | The flag for a paginated pull. For the first pull, set this parameter to For example, if 250 users are in a room:
Limit | Number | No | The number of users to be queried at a time. Value range: [0, 500], that is, up to 500 users can be returned per call. If more than 500 users are in a room, call this operation multiple times and ensure that If the value is empty or greater than 500, If you need a higher limit, contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support. |
Sample request
&<Common request parameters>
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Code | Number | The return code. |
Message | String | The description of the request result. |
RequestId | String | The request ID. |
Count | Number | The number of users in the room. |
NextFlag | String | The flag for a paginated pull. If this parameter is not 0 , information about more users is to be returned. In this case, set this parameter as needed to pull the remaining information. If this parameter is 0 , information of all users is returned. Aside from the explanations mentioned above, this field has no association with the list information. Please do not base any other logic on it. |
UserList | Array of Object | The list of users. |
└UserId | String | The user ID. |
└UserName | String | The username. |
Sample response
"Code": 0,
"Message": "success",
"RequestId": "343649807833778782",
"Count": 2,
"NextFlag": "0",
"UserList": [
"UserId": "aaa",
"UserName": "UserA"
"UserId": "bbb",
"UserName": "UserB"
Return codes
The following table describes only the return codes related to the business logic of the operation. For the complete list of return codes, see Return codes.
Return Code | Description | Solution |
660000002 | Invalid parameter. | Check the input parameter. |
660300001 | The room does not exist. | Check whether the value of the RoomId parameter is valid or whether the room has been destroyed. |
660300006 | The QPS limit is exceeded. | This operation can be called up to 20 times per second. Try again later. |
660300007 | Failed to obtain the room. | Contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support. |
660300008 | Failed to obtain the list of users in the room, because the number of users is empty. In general, this is due to a room destruction latency. | No handling is required. |