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Obtain information about users in a room


You can call this operation to obtain information about users in a room by room ID, including the number of users, user ID, and username.

Operation prototype

  • Request method: GET
  • Request URL: https://zim-api.zego.im/?Action=QueryRoomUserList
  • Protocol: HTTPS
  • QPS limit: 20 calls per second

Request parameters

The following table describes only the operation-specific request parameters and some common request parameters. For the complete list of common request parameters, see the Public request parameters section of the Accessing Server APIs topic.


The room ID, which cannot exceed 32 bytes in length and can contain only digits, letters, and the following characters: &apos;!&apos;, &apos;#&apos;, &apos;$&apos;, &apos;%&apos;, &apos;&','(',')','+','-',':',';&apos;, &apos;<','=','.','>&apos;, &apos;?&apos;, &apos;@&apos;, &apos;[&apos;, &apos;]&apos;, &apos;^&apos;, &apos;_&apos;, &apos;{&apos;, &apos;}&apos;, &apos;|&apos;, &apos;~&apos;.


Specifies the order of logged-in users in a room. Valid values:

  • 0: chronological order, which is the default value.
  • 1: reverse chronological order.

The flag for a paginated pull. For the first pull, set this parameter to 0. For subsequent pulls, enter the value returned from the previous pull. If NextFlag is 0 in the returned result, the list of all users in a room is obtained.

For example, if 250 users are in a room:

  1. In the first call, set Limit to 100 and NextFlag to 0 to query the first batch of 100 users in order. In the returned result, NextFlag is 1.
  2. In the second call, set Limit to 100 and NextFlag to 1 to query the second batch of 100 users in order. In the returned result, NextFlag is 2.
  3. In the third call, set Limit to 100 and NextFlag to 2 to query the third batch of 50 users in order. In the returned result, NextFlag is 0, indicating the query completes.


The number of users to be queried at a time. Value range: [0, 500], that is, up to 500 users can be returned per call.

If more than 500 users are in a room, call this operation multiple times and ensure that Limit is set to the same value per call.

If the value is empty or greater than 500, 500 is used by default.

If you need a higher limit, contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support.

Sample request

&<Common request parameters>

Response parameters

CodeNumberThe return code.
MessageStringThe description of the request result.
RequestIdStringThe request ID.
CountNumberThe number of users in the room.
NextFlagStringThe flag for a paginated pull. If this parameter is not 0, information about more users is to be returned. In this case, set this parameter as needed to pull the remaining information. If this parameter is 0, information of all users is returned.
Aside from the explanations mentioned above, this field has no association with the list information. Please do not base any other logic on it.
UserListArray of ObjectThe list of users.
└UserIdStringThe user ID.
└UserNameStringThe username.

Sample response

    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "success",
    "RequestId": "343649807833778782",
    "Count": 2,
    "NextFlag": "0",
    "UserList": [
            "UserId": "aaa",
            "UserName": "UserA"
            "UserId": "bbb",
            "UserName": "UserB"

Return codes

The following table describes only the return codes related to the business logic of the operation. For the complete list of return codes, see Return codes.

Return CodeDescriptionSolution
660000002Invalid parameter.Check the input parameter.
660300001The room does not exist.Check whether the value of the RoomId parameter is valid or whether the room has been destroyed.
660300006The QPS limit is exceeded.This operation can be called up to 20 times per second. Try again later.
660300007Failed to obtain the room.Contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support.
660300008Failed to obtain the list of users in the room, because the number of users is empty. In general, this is due to a room destruction latency.No handling is required.


Destroy the room


Remove user from the room