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Send group messages


You can call this operation to send messages to all online users in a group.

The QPS limit is 10 calls per second.

The client receives the message notification in the following ZIM SDK callbacks.

WebFlutterUnity3DReact Native

Request method and endpoint

  • Request method: POST
  • Request URL: https://zim-api.zego.im/?Action=SendGroupMessage
  • Protocol: HTTPS

Request parameters

The following table describes only the operation-specific request parameters and some common request parameters. For the complete list of common request parameters, see the Public request parameters section of the Accessing Server APIs topic.

FromUserIdStringYesThe ID of the message sender.
GroupIdStringYesThe group chat ID.
MessageTypeNumberYesThe message type. For more information about group message types, see MessageBody Introduction.

Message priority (read Basic Concepts - Message Priority for details). Valid values:

  • 1: low;
  • 2: medium;
  • 3: high.
MessageBodyObjectYesThe message content. For more information, see MessageBody Introduction.
SubMsgTypeNumberNo (Yes if MessageType is 200)The custom message type. Value range: [0,200].
SearchedContentStringNoThe search field for a custom message. This field is valid only if MessageType is 200, cannot exceed 64 bytes in length, and must be specified to search for custom messages in the client.

The FromUserId and GroupId parameters can contain only digits, letters, and the following characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '+', '', ':', ';', '<', '=', '.', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', ', ', '|', '~'.

  • If the version of the sending ZIM SDK is earlier than 2.0.0 , the ZIM server supports only command messages whose MessageType is 2.
    We recommend that you use the SDK of the latest version for better experience.
  • To receive text messages whose MessageType is 1, the version of the ZIM SDK needs to be 2.7.0 or later.
  • To send and receive custom messages whose MessageType is 200, the version of the ZIM SDK needs to be 2.8.0 or later.
  • If the version of the receiving ZIM SDK is 2.0.0 or later but earlier than 2.8.0, the ZIM SDK can receive custom messages but will identify the message type as unknown. In addition, it cannot obtain the message content. To obtain the message content, upgrade the ZIM SDK to 2.8.0 or later.
  • If the version of the receiving ZIM SDK is 1.x.x, the ZIM SDK cannot receive custom messages and identify the message type as unknown.

Sample request

  • Request URL:

    &<Common request parameters>
  • Request body:

        "FromUserId": "u1",
        "GroupId": "r1",
        "MessageType": 1,
        "Priority": 1,
        "MessageBody": {
            "Message":"hello world",
            "OfflinePush" :{

Response parameters

CodeNumberThe return code.
MessageStringThe description of the request result.
RequestIdStringThe request ID.
MsgSeqNumberThe sequence of the message. This field is empty for command messages and can be used to Recall a group message.
MsgIdNumberThe ID of the message.
AuditInfosArray of ObjectWhen the array is not empty, it indicates that there are messages that failed the content review. You can use this structure to check the reason for the failure.
  • This parameter can have the following situations:
    • When you have enabled ZIM content moderation service and did not reject the message through the Callback on message not sent yet:
      • For multi-item messages, this parameter indicates the index of the item in the multi-item message that failed the review, starting from 0.
      • For other message types, this parameter is always 0.
    • If you reject the message through the Callback on message not sent yet, this parameter is always 0, regardless of the message type.
└ReasonStringReason for rejection.

Sample response

    "MsgSeq": 1,
    "MsgId": 1,
            "Index": 0,
            "Reason": "reason"

Return codes

The following table describes only the return codes related to the business logic of the operation. For the complete list of return codes, see Return codes.

Return CodeDescriptionSolution
660000025Failed to send the Base64-encoded signaling message when IsBase64 is set to 1 in MessageBody.Check the following items: - Check whether IsBase64 needs to be set to 1, that is, whether a binary signaling message needs to be sent. - Check whether the message is Base64-encoded.
660400001The message size exceeds the limit.Check the message size.
660500002The message sender has not logged in to the ZIM SDK.Log in to the ZIM SDK before sending the message.
660600001The group ID does not exist.Check whether the value of the GroupId parameter is valid.


Send a one-to-one message


Send room messages