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Customize The CoHosting


With the following APIs, you can customize your own live streaming co-host logic.

These interfaces are called through ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingController().coHost.function:


  • Future audienceSendCoHostRequest({ bool withToast = false, }) async:

    audience requests to become a co-host by sending a request to the host.

    if you want audience be co-host without request to the host, use startCoHost.

    if withToast is set to true, a toast message will be displayed after the request succeeds or fails.

  • Future audienceCancelCoHostRequest() async:

    audience cancels the co-host request to the host.

  • Future startCoHost() async:

    audience switch to be an co-host directly, without request to host.

    if you want audience be co-host with request to the host, use audienceSendCoHostRequest

  • Future audienceAgreeCoHostInvitation({ bool withToast = false, }) async:

    Audience accepts host's invitation to connect be a co-host.

  • Future audienceRejectCoHostInvitation() async:

    Audience declines host's invitation to connect be a co-host.


  • Future hostAgreeCoHostRequest(ZegoUIKitUser audience) async:

    host approve the co-host request made by audience.

  • Future hostRejectCoHostRequest(ZegoUIKitUser audience) async:

    host reject the co-host request made by audience.

  • Future removeCoHost(ZegoUIKitUser coHost) async:

    host remove the co-host, make coHost to be a audience

  • Future hostSendCoHostInvitationToAudience ( ZegoUIKitUser audience, { bool withToast = false, }) async:

    host invite audience to be a co-host.

    if withToast is set to true, a toast message will be displayed after the request succeeds or fails.

  • onRequestCoHostEvent: Notification that an audience has requested to become a co-host to the host.

  • onCancelCoHostEvent: Notification that an audience has cancelled their co-host request.

  • onRequestCoHostTimeoutEvent: Notification that an audience co-host request has timed out.


  • Future stopCoHost({ bool showRequestDialog = true, }) async:

    co-host ends the connection and switches to the audience role voluntarily.

    if showRequestDialog is true, a confirmation dialog will be displayed to prevent accidental clicks.


Through the following callbacks, you can receive notifications about the state changes during the co-hosting process, allowing you to further customize your own logic.

These callbacks are thrown through ZegoLiveStreamingCoHostEvents, and you can register these callbacks in ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreaming.events.coHost.

  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingEvents(
    coHost: ZegoLiveStreamingCoHostEvents(
      onUpdated: (coHosts) {
      onMaxCountReached: (count){
      host: ZegoLiveStreamingCoHostHostEvents(
      audience: ZegoLiveStreamingCoHostAudienceEvents(
  • Function(List<ZegoUIKitUser> coHosts)? onUpdated:

    co-host updated, refers to the event where there is a change in the co-hosts. this can occur when a new co-host joins the session or when an existing co-host leaves the session.


  • Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onRequestReceived: receive a request that audience request to become a co-host

  • Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onRequestCanceled: audience cancelled the co-host request.

  • Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onRequestTimeout: the audience's co-host request has timed out.

  • Function()? onActionAcceptRequest: host accept the audience's co-host request.

  • Function()? onActionRefuseRequest: host refuse the audience's co-host request.

  • Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onInvitationSent: host sent invitation to become a co-host to the audience.

  • Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onInvitationTimeout: the host's co-host invitation has timed out.

  • void Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onInvitationAccepted:

  • void Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onInvitationRefused: audience refused to a co-host request from host


  • Function()? onRequestSent: audience requested to become a co-host to the host.

  • Function()? onActionCancelRequest: audience cancelled the co-host request.

  • Function()? onRequestTimeout: the audience's co-host request has timed out.

  • Function()? onRequestAccepted: host accept the audience's co-host request.

  • Function()? onRequestRefused: host refuse the audience's co-host request.

  • void Function(ZegoUIKitUser host)? onInvitationReceived: received a co-host invitation from the host.

  • Function()? onInvitationTimeout: the host's co-host invitation has timed out.

  • Function()? onActionAcceptInvitation: audience refuse co-host invitation from the host.

  • Function()? onActionRefuseInvitation: audience refuse co-host invitation from the host.


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