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ZIM release Note

Version 2.19.0

Release Date: 2025-01-07

New features
DescriptionRelated APIs
Multi-item MessagesZIM newly supports multi-item messages, allowing multiple content items in a single message, including text, images, audio, video, files, and custom messages. This message type enables various combinations such as text + image, text + video, and text + audio to flexibly meet diverse scenarios. For details, see Send and receive messages - Send/Receive multi-item messages.ZIMMultipleMessage
Image FormatZIM supports sending image in HEIC and HEIF formats, expanding compatibility with more image types to meet a broader range of needs.ZIMImageMessage
Image Width and Height InformationZIMImageMessage allows developers to provide the original image, large image, and thumbnail width and height information when sending an image message. ZIMVideoMessage allows developers to provide the width and height information of the first frame image when sending a video message.
DescriptionRelated APIs
Improved Handling of Conversation Mark LimitsWhen the number of marked conversations reaches the limit (default: 1000), the logic has been improved from throwing an error to automatically cancelling the earliest marked conversation, ensuring users can continue marking new conversations without interruption.setConversationMark
Increased Mark Limit per ConversationThe maximum number of marks per conversation has been increased from 20 to 30.setConversationMark
Enhanced Group Member Information Query LogicGroup member list information is now associated with the user database, ensuring the latest local user information can be retrieved.
API Changes
For details about API changes, refer to ZIM upgrade Guide.
Changed APIDescription
downloadMediaFileThe downloadMediaFile API introduces a new config parameter, which can be used to specify the download of individual media content in multi-item messages.
sendMediaMessageThe sendMediaMessage API is deprecated. Starting from version 2.19.0, the sendMessage API should be used to send multimedia messages, reducing maintenance costs for developers.

Version 2.18.2

Release date: 2024-11-07

New features

Group aliasUsers can set group aliases that are only visible to themselves for a specific group. For more details, please refer to Manage group info - Modify the group alias.
User online statusUsers can continuously monitor the online status changes of other users by subscription, query the current online statuses of other users, and also query their own subscription list. In addition, in the scenario of multi-device login, users can listen for changes in their online platforms. For more details, please refer to Online Status Subscription.
Get room user avatarsUsers can query the avatar information of other users in a room using the userAvatarUrl property of the ZIMRoomMemberInfo class.ZIMRoomMemberInfo > userAvatarUrl
Switch roomsZIM supports using the switchRoomFromRoomID method to switch rooms, suitable for smooth room switching scenarios such as instant joining a room. For more details, please refer to Manage rooms - Switch RoomsswitchRoom
Query user information on the serverZIM supports querying user information on the server by user ID. The user information include user name, user avatar, and extended fields.Query user information
Recall a room message on the serverZIM supports recalling room messages on the server.Recall a room message


Optimization of the initial conversation list retrieval timeWe have enhanced the efficiency of fetching the initial conversation list upon user login, resulting in a significantly reduced wait time and an improved overall user experience.queryConversationList
Enhancement of the server API response parameter for sending group messagesWe have added a new response parameter MsgId for the server API SendGroupMessage, which can be used to locate messages.Send Group Messages
Improvement of parameters of callback on message sentWhen a message fails to send, the msg_id parameter in the callback on message sent will no longer be empty.Callback on message sent
Retrieving the message extension field from the serverThrough the payload parameter in the server callback on not sent yet, ZIM supports retrieving the extension field passed by users when sending messages.Callback on not sent yet
Increased length limit for ExtendedData in MessageBodyThe default maximum length of ExtendedData in the MessageBody structure is 1 KB. If you need to increase it, please contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support.MessageBody Introduction


Deprecation of callbacks for receiving message in one-to-one, room, and group chatsThe callbacks of onReceivePeerMessage, onReceiveGroupMessage and onReceiveRoomMessage have been deprecated, please use the following callbacks instead: onPeerMessageReceived, onGroupMessageReceived, and onRoomMessageReceived.
Please refer to ZIM Upgrade Guide for details on callback changes.

Version 2.17.1

Release date: 2024-08-15


Known issues fixed.

Version 2.17.0

Release date: 2024-08-05

New features
FeatureDescriptionRelated APIs
Conversation MarkingSupports users to mark conversations, suitable for scenarios where users need to pay attention to certain conversations or cannot handle certain conversations. This feature can be used to group conversations by setting the same mark for multiple conversations. For client implementation, please refer to Mark Conversations. For server implementation, please refer to Set Conversation Marks.
Query Conversation ListSupports filtering conversation list by mark, conversation type, and whether it contains unread messages. For more details, please refer to Mark Conversations.queryConversationList
Query Total Unread Message Count By MarksSupports filtering unread message count by mark. For more details, please refer to Mark Conversations.queryConversationTotalUnreadMessageCount
Reply to MessageSupports users to reply to a specific message within a conversation. Currently supports replying with text, image, file, audio, video, merged, and custom messages. In addition, users can also query the reply tree to get the complete list of replied messages. For more details, please refer to Reply to a message.
Get Specific Message ListSupports querying a specific list of historical messages, suitable for scenarios where users need to understand the context of a certain message. For more details, please refer to Get message historyqueryMessages
Sender Unaware When Sending Messages by Server APIsNewly adds SenderUnaware field, allowing the client corresponding to the FromUserId (sender's user ID) in the request parameters to be unaware of the sending of the peer-to-peer message sent by the server.Send a one-to-one message

Version 2.16.0

Release date: 2024-06-03

New features
Server-side management of call invitationsSupports initiating, accepting and rejecting call invitations on the server side.
Server-side management mutingSupports muting groups and specific group members on the server.
Server-side setting group member rolesSupports modifying group member roles on the server.Set group member roles
Supports iOS version 17.0

Warning: Starting from this version, iOS 11.0 and earlier versions are no longer supported.

Starting from 2024-04-29, all apps listed on the App Store must support iOS 17.0. For details, please refer to Official description on Apple Developer website.
Optimize receiptsIncludes real-time perception of receipt expiration status, supports offline query of receipt details, and supports query of group receipt details for groups with more than 100 members;
Call invitationSupports users to pass in a specified userID through the callCancel interface when making advanced call invitations, and only cancel the call for this user without affecting the global call status.callCancel
Privacy fileThis iteration of ZIM iOS SDK adds the privacy manifest file PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy.

Warning: If the developer has integrated an SDK before version 2.16.0, please update the latest version of the SDK to avoid the risk of review when the App Store is listed without a privacy manifest file.


Version 2.14.1

Release date: 2024-03-05


Known issues fixed.

Version 2.14.0

Release date: 2024-02-04

New features
Forwarding messages
  • Users can construct a merged message body and pass it to the send message API to forward merged messages.

    Note: If you want to forward messages one by one, you can simply pass the existing message as a parameter to the send message API.

  • Supports querying the specific content of sub-messages included in a merged message.
Send and receive @ messagesUsers can mention specific users (who may not be in the current conversation) or mention all members in a conversation when sending a message.
Deleting messagesUsers can delete all messages in a conversation at once.deleteAllConversationMessages
Saving conversation draftsZIM allows users to save conversation drafts locally even after exiting one-on-one or group chat conversations for future editing.setConversationDraft
Do not disturb for one-on-one conversationsIn addition to "Do Not Disturb" for group conversations, ZIM now supports setting "Do Not Disturb" for one-on-one conversations. Users will not receive notifications for new messages in one-on-one conversations.setConversationNotificationStatus
MutingSupports group owners to mute groups and mute specific group members. Muting groups can be applied to all members, ordinary members, or members with specific roles.
Friend managementUsers can directly add and delete friends, view friend lists, send friend requests to users, accept or reject friend requests, view friend request lists, check the friend relationship between other users and themselves, query or modify friend information, and search for friends.
Set sensitive word filteringAfter enabling the security audit, developers can add additional sensitive words. When a user sends a message containing sensitive words, the message will be audited, and the content may be replaced or intercepted.

Note: To use this feature, please contact the ZEGOCLOUD technical support team.

Server-side Conversation MutingSupports setting the mute notification status for group chat and one-on-one conversations on the server-side.Mute notifications for conversations
Pin conversations on the server sideSupports setting the pinned status for user conversations on the server side.Pin conversations to the top
Modify group information on the server sideSupports modifying the avatar, name, and announcement of a pinned group on the server side.

Note: To use this feature, please contact the ZEGOCLOUD technical support team.

Manage friends on the server sideSupports adding and deleting friends for users, querying the friend list, checking friend relationships, and updating friend aliases and attributes.
Manage blacklist on the server sideSupports batch blocking and unblocking users, querying the blacklist, and checking blacklist relationships for users.

Version 2.13.1

Release date: 2024-01-12


Known issues fixed.

Version 2.13.0

Release date: 2024-01-08

New features
Multi-device loginThe "multi-device login" strategy supports configuring the logic for kicking each other out. Currently, it only supports kicking out between Android and iOS devices, as well as between Windows and Mac devices.login)
Offline loginSupports users to login to the IM service and access local SDK data while being offline.login
Blacklist managementYou can query your own blacklist, block specific users (no longer receive messages from them), remove users from the blacklist, and check if a specific user is in the blacklist.
Insert local messageSupport inserting local messages into room conversations.insertMessageToLocalDB
Call InvitationAdd callback onCallInvitationCreated. The initiator of the call invitation can know that the call invitation has been created by listening to this callback.onCallInvitationCreated
Server-side message retractionSupports calling the interface from the server to retract one-on-one messages and group chat messages.
Server-side user profile modificationSupports calling the interface from the server to modify user profile information, including user nickname, avatar, etc.Modify user information
Optimize roomID length limitationSupports a maximum length of 128 bytes for roomID.ZIMRoomInfo > roomID
Added user avatar field to user information related classesZIMUserInfo and ZIMGroupMemberInfo added userAvatarUrl field, which is used to set or describe the user avatar address.

Warning: The user avatar field for room members is currently not supported. This means that the userAvatarUrl in the ZIMUserInfo obtained through queryRoomMemberList and queryRoomMembers will be empty.

Optimize the call back logic of onRoomStateChangedWhen developers call the ZIM server API to destroy a room in the backend, the callback onRoomStateChanged that describes the room state change reason is modified to roomNotExist.onRoomStateChanged
Added new response parameters to the server interface for sending one-to-one chat messagesAdded the SuccessList parameter, with member parameters including UserIdMsgId and MsgSeq, to provide information about users who have successfully received the message. MsgSeq can be used for Recall a one-to-one message.Send a one-to-one messages
Added new response parameters to the server interface for sending group chat messagesAdded MsgSeq, which can be used to Recall a group message.Send group messages
New field for server callback after the message is sentAdded user_list field, used to return messages in batches to receive user information.

Warning: Only when developers call the server interface Send a one-to-one message, this field will have a value.

Callback on message sent
Abandon the loginWithUserInfo interfaceAbandon the old login interface and add a new login interface login. The new version of the login interface supports more configurations through login, such as whether to use Token authentication and whether to log in offline.login
Part of the user information-related classes have deprecated the old avatar field.
  • The memberAvatarUrl in ZIMGroupMemberInfo is deprecated . Please use the new field userAvatarUrl.
  • The userAvatarUrl in ZIMUserFullInfo is deprecated. Please retrieve userAvatarUrl from baseInfo.

Version 2.12.1

Release date: 2023-11-29


Known issues fixed.

Version 2.12.0

Release date: 2023-11-21

New features
GeofencingProvides geofencing services, ensuring that IM data is stored locally and suitable for high-security overseas scenarios.setGeofencingConfig
Group message managementSupports automatic retrieval of group history messages for new members joining the group.

If you need to use this feature, please contact the ZEGOCLOUD technical support team for configuration.

Read all with one clickSupports clearing the unread message count and total unread message count for all conversations.clearConversationTotalUnreadMessageCount
Call invitationSupports calling external users to join advanced mode calls or calling internal users to switch devices.callJoin
Delete all conversation listsSupports clearing the current conversation list.deleteAllConversations
Server-Side API for adding group membersSupports adding specified users to a group.Add group members
Server-side API for dismissing a groupSupports dismissing a specified group.Disband a group chat
Server-side API for transferring group ownershipSupports transferring group ownership to a specified group member.Transfer the group ownership
Server-side API for setting group member nicknameSupports setting the nickname for a specified group member.Set nicknames of group members
Server-side message with receiptWhen sending one-to-one messages or group messages through the server, you can attach a receipt to know if the message has been read. Supported message types include text, image, file, audio, video, and custom messages. For more details, please refer to MessageBody introduction.
Server-Side login and logout callbackWhen a user logs in or logs out, the ZIM server will actively notify the developer's server through callbacks. Login and logout callback
Offline push to all usersWhen using the server-side API for pushing messages to all users, you can choose the push type to achieve offline push.Push message to all users
Login logic optimizationOptimized the login logic to avoid multiple devices kicking each other out in weak network environments.-
Server callback for call creationThe server callback for call creation now includes the caller field, which indicates the user who initiated the call. For more details, please refer to Callback on call invitation sent.-

Version 2.11.0

Release date: 2023-10-26

New features
Multi-device loginSupport for configuring dual-platform or multi-platform login strategies allows users to log in to the same account on multiple platforms or devices simultaneously, enabling data synchronization for sessions, messages, groups, and other features across multiple devices. For more information on the impact of multi-platform login on other functions, please refer to Multi-device login.

Note: This feature is only supported for users of the Professional or Ultimate packages and they must contact the ZEGOCLOUD technical support team to configure the login policy.

Added support for server-Side signaling message typesSupports sending binary signaling messages encoded in base64 through the server. For more details, please refer to MessageBody introduction.-
Optimized logic for unpinning conversationsAfter deleting a pinned conversation, the pinned status of the conversation(ZIMConversation > isPinned)will not be automatically changed to No. When there are new messages in this conversation and it appears in the conversation list again, it will still be a pinned conversation.-

Version 2.10.0

Release date: 2023-09-01

New features
 Respond to messages with emoticonsSupports responding to messages with emoticons in one-on-one chats and group chats. It can be used for scenarios such as replying with emojis and initiating group polls or confirming group results. Additionally, it supports deleting one's own reactions and querying user information related to a specific reaction.
Sender unaware for server-side peer messagingAdded the SenderUnaware field, which allows the client associated with the FromUserId(sender's user ID) to be unaware of the server-side peer message being sent.Send one-to-one messages
Server-side broadcast messagingSupports sending messages with specific content, such as text and images, to all online users, including the message sender. This feature is suitable for scenarios like broadcasting announcements or displaying cross-room gift animations.
The server has added a new interface to query whether the user is in the roomThis interface supports querying whether a specified user is present in the target room.Query whether a user is in a room
Adjusting the maximum length of user nickname, UserNameExtended from 64 bytes to 256 bytes, supports longer nicknames, applicable to ZIM SDK version 2.0.0 and later.ZIMUserInfo > userName

Version 2.9.0

Release date: 2023-07-19

New features
Call invitation new modeAdded advanced mode, supports inviting, exiting, and ending calls during a call.
Revoke other's messageIn group conversations, the group owner can revoke messages sent by others.revokeMessage
Get room member informationSupports calling server-side API to get information about room members based on room ID, including the number of users in the room, user IDs, and names.Obtain information about users in a room
Server-side message sending API now supports more message typesSupports sending image, file, audio, video, custom, and barrage message types through the server-side API. For details, please refer to MessageBody introduction.
Set message extension fieldsAdded message extension fields that are only visible on the local end, supports updating this field, can be used to display message translation status or other content.
Search local messagesSearch local messages in individual or all 'one-to-one' and 'group' conversations based on keywords, user IDs, and other conditions, and retrieve a list of messages that meet the criteria; can also search conversations based on local messages.
Search groupsSupports searching for group names based on keywords, and also supports including group member names and nicknames in the search scope.searchLocalGroups
Search group membersSupports searching for group members' names in a specific group based on keywords, and also supports including group members' nicknames in the search scope.searchLocalGroupMembers
Call invitation reception callbackOptimize the regular mode of call invitation, support offline users to receive call invitations and be immediately notified upon going online within the timeout period of the call invitation.onCallUserStateChanged
MethodDescriptionChange version
To facilitate developers to monitor the call status changes of users in call invitations, onCallUserStateChanged is added to replace the original call invitation callbacks onCallInvitationAcceptedonCallInvitationRejected and onCallInviteesAnsweredTimeout.2.9.0

Version 2.8.0

Release date: 2023-05-23

New features
Pin conversationUsers can choose conversations they want to prioritize and pin them at the top of the conversation list.onCallUserStateChanged
Custom message typesAdded custom message types, developers can define their own message types, such as voting, chain reaction, video card, etc., and handle message parsing themselves. ZIM SDK does not define or parse the specific content of custom messages.ZIMCustomMessage
Query conversation informationQuery detailed information of a conversation by specifying the conversation ID.queryConversation
Query user status in a roomBy specifying multiple user IDs and the room ID, query whether the target users are in the specified room, in order to design business logic such as inviting for co-live streaming.

Note: Supports querying information of up to 10 users at a time.

Pre-send message callbackBy setting server-side callbacks, when users send one-on-one, group, or room chat messages, ZIM sends requests to the developer's server. Developers can implement:
  • Intercepting inappropriate messages.
  • Establishing user blacklists and whitelists.
Callback on message not sent yet
Post-send message callbackBy setting server-side callbacks, after users successfully or unsuccessfully send one-on-one, group, or room chat messages, ZIM sends requests to the developer's server. Developers can implement:
  • Real-time recording of messages sent by users.
  • Statistics of messages sent by users.
  • In live streaming and screen recording scenarios, embedding chat records into recorded videos using timestamps.
Callback on message sent
Batch user registrationSupports calling server-side APIs to specify user information (user ID, etc.), allowing developers to register multiple users with a single request.

Note: Supports registering up to 100 users at a time.

Batch register users
Query group list under an appSupports calling server-side APIs to retrieve the IDs of all groups in the app.Query group list in the app
Query group member listSupports calling server-side APIs to specify the group ID and retrieve the member list of the corresponding group.Query group member list
Remove group membersSupports calling server-side APIs to specify the group ID and user ID, and remove group members in batch.

Note: Supports removing up to 50 group members at a time.

Remove group member
Deprecated system message typesThe system message type (value 30) in ZIMMessageType have been deprecated. Developers are advised to use more versatile custom messages (value 200) instead.ZIMMessageTypeCustom
1. Starting from version 2.8.0, ZIM no longer supports iOS versions below 11.0. Developers' iOS Deployment Target (minimum supported version) is raised to iOS 11.0.

For more details, please refer to App Store submission requirement starts April 25 and Xcode 14 Release Notes.

12. Starting from version 2.8.0, ZIM iOS SDK no longer supports the 32-bit armv7 architecture.

For more details, please refer to Xcode 14 Release Notes.

13. Starting from version 2.8.0, ZIM no longer supports macOS versions below 10.13. Developers' macOS Deployment Target (minimum supported version) is raised to macOS 10.13.

For more details, please refer to App Store submission requirement starts April 25 and Xcode 14 Release Notes.

Version 2.7.1

Release date: 2023-03-15


Known issues fixed.

Version 2.7.0

Release date: 2023-03-07

Optimization of clearing userName during user loginDistinguish between the interface for modifying the username and the interface for logging in. When a user logs in and clears the userName, the userName will no longer be modified, optimizing the user login experience.userName
Optimization of session message fetching timingThe SDK intelligently detects the user's session activity to optimize the timing of data synchronization, improving user query speed and experience.-
Optimization of network reconnection timingAfter the APP loses network connection, the SDK will continuously detect changes in network status and the foreground/background status of the APP, speeding up the user's reconnection process.-

Version 2.6.0

Release date: 2023-01-11

New features
Added server callbacks related to call invitationYou can confirm the results of the call invitation via the server callbacks provided by In-app Chat, which suits the call invitations made in a weak network condition (results returned by the SDK can be volatile).
Extended fields are added to the message bodyThe extendedData field is added to the ZIMMessage, which enables the user avatars and nicknames to be passed in this field, and those can be displayed in real time when sending messages.extendedData
Added the callback for the message sending statusYou can refine the logic of message sending status by listening for this callback. You can design UI logic to notify users when the message status changes.onMessageSentStatusChanged
Optimized the logic of message sending under weak network conditionsWhen a message is sent on a weak network condition, the SDK uses policy logic to ensure the message sending status as much as possible.-

Version 2.5.0

Release date: 2022-11-30

New features
Message recallSent messages can be recalled within 2 minutes by default. This is only supported in one-on-one chats and group chats.

Note: To customize the recall time, please contact ZEGOCLOUD technical support.

Read receiptsZIMMessageSendConfig added the hasReceipt parameter to allow sending messages with receipts in one-on-one and group chats.
In-app Chat SDK supports checking whether a user has read locally sent messages In a one-on-one chat and a group chat, as well as the number of read and unread messages in a group chat and the corresponding user information. Receipts for signaling messages, barrage messages, and in-room messages are not supported.
Receives push notifications for all offline call invitationsAdd the pushConfig parameter to support push call invitations to offline users. Offline users need to use the ZPNs SDK together to accept call invitations.ZIMCallInviteConfig
Changed the name of the extra field of ZIMPushConfigTo avoid confusion, the extendedData parameter of ZIMPushConfig is changed to payload, and the functionality remains the same. When you use the ZPNs SDK, you can retrieve additional fields passed in by the sender via the payload field in extras on the vendor channel.

Note: After integrating In-app Chat SDK 2.5.0, if you use the offline push function and the interface fails to compile, please change the extendedData to payload.

1. bitcode is no longer supported.

Starting with version 2.5.0, bitcode is no longer supported in the Flutter SDK. For more details, see Xcode 14 Release Notes.

Version 2.4.0

Release date: 2022-10-17

New features
Manage in-room user propertiesSupport room users to customize user properties. For example, user level, badge, status, etc.
System message addedThe message type of the system message was added, and the SDK was supported to trigger the notification of entering the group, the change of the group owner, and other system messages.-
Inserting local messagesSupport for inserting a message of any message type directly into the local. You can convert callback notifications (e.g., invite someone to a group, remove someone from a group, etc.) into system messages on the client side and insert them into the local database to achieve the effect of system prompts.insertMessageToLocalDB
Method for sending message is optimizedOptimized message object to be the same object before and after sending. When you are sending a large message such as a video, you can cache the message object before the message is uploaded. When you receive the SDK notification of successful delivery, you can achieve the effect of Loading before sending by comparing the objects to be the same.sendMessage
Logic of reconnection after disconnection is optimizedThe logic for no-network status and reconnection after disconnection is optimized.-
Performance optimizedOptimized database performance.-
API method changes
  • New methods
MethodDescriptionChange version
sendMessageNew method to send messages, support one-to-one, in-room, and group messages.2.4.0
  • Deprecation
MethodDescriptionChange version
The method for sending one-to-one, in-room, and group messages (sendPeerMessage, sendRoomMessage, sendGroupMessage) are abandoned. We will be unified using the sendMessage interface, making a more standard way of sending a message.2.4.0

Version 2.3.0

Release date: 2022-09-02


There may be compilation issues after upgrading to 2.3.0. We recommend that you check this before upgrading: Upgrade guide

New features
Added extension fieldsSupport users to set their own personal information through the extension field, such as user profile picture, personality signature, gender, and other personal information.updateUserExtendedData
Added avatar fieldIn the user information and group related methods, the avatar field has been added, users can upload their own avatar, or custom group avatar.
Supports AppSign authentication mode

The AppSign authentication mode is supported on iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows, which facilitates the integration process.

When authentication, you only need to call the create method and fill in the AppSign you get, and you can use the In-app Chat service when authentication is passed.

Support to set the width and height of image/video messages

Make it more convenient to design the display effect of the picture:

  • Image message: support to set the width and height of the "original image", the width and height of the "detail image", and the width and height of the "thumbnail".
  • Video message: support to set the width and height of the "first frame".
Added a method for singleton instance objectThis allows you to get the In-app Chat instance object easier.getInstance
Logic optimized
  • Improved API logic when the network is disconnected.
  • Optimizes the logic for getting a list of room members.
Performance optimizedThread switching performance is optimized-
API method changes
  • Deprecation
MethodDescriptionChange version
createThe original createmethod has been deprecated and replaced with create, which allows you to pass in AppSign for authentication and make the integration easier.2.3.0

Version 2.1.5 (first release)

Release date: 2022-06-15

The features supported are as follows:

Session management
  • Supports updating, searching, and deleting the session list.
  • Supports obtaining the session list to display all sessions and implementing a real-time message list.
Room chat
  • Supports creating, joining and leaving a room chat after a successful login.
  • When entering a room, supports automatic room creation when the room does not exist.
  • Supports configuring the room properties
Group chatSupports creating a group chat, ungroup, joining and leaving a group chat. Supports transferring the group ownership, setting group notice, and more.
Offline notifications
  • Supports caching the one-to-one or group messages you sent when the receiver is offline. The receiver will get the message when back online.
  • Supports sending offline notifications to the client. We now support Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, and more.
Message management
  • Supports saving the one-to-one, group, in-room messages on the local database for retrieval after changing your devices or getting back from offline status.
  • Supports deleting specified or all one-to-one or group messages.
Call invitation
  • Supports sending and responding to call invitations.
  • Suitbale for multiple scenarios, such as, video calls, send seat-taking invitation in live audio room, and more.
Content moderationSupports moderating the text messages, and images in one-on-one, group, and room chat. The mechanism can help moderate the following inappropriate content: Sex solicitation, terrorism, violence, advertisements, and more.


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ZPNs release notes